Comment Cancel Post. It also depends: are we talking about a human or a Cainite? On an unrelated note, I love how we can ask these sorts of questions and not get weird looks or questions about our mental health. It's not morbid, it's just research! Magestuck: The Ascension. Eh, I'd rate it the same as removing a limb Personally, I say that if you inflict more Health Levels in a single attack than the victim has dots of Stamina, you can Disfigure or Cripple them in some manner.
I'm a professor! Why is no one listening to me?! I go with more then three levels of lethal or agg on a called shot to a limb amputats it. For a jaw on a kindred probably two.
I'd say roughly a Strength rating of 7, given that the Victim does not have Fortitude. My Mage 2e Homebrew. An experienced butcher selected some very tough meats, from the neck of an old animal, which stood up against a force of from seventy to ninety pounds before the crush occurred. These tests were made a number of years ago, before storage meat was used to the extent it is now. The figures should be reduced about one-third for meat made tender by storage. With these data, the mathematically inclined may proceed to figure out the horse-power developed at the boarding-house table.
A surprising fact brought out by the use of the phagodynamometer is that the hardness of food does not determine its danger to the teeth. For instance, candies that are quite hard offer much less danger to the teeth than gum drops, which ordinarily are mashed out of shape at from twenty to thirty pounds. If part of the gum drop became wedged between the cusps of the teeth, it was found that frequently it could not be completely crushed with a pressure of less than pounds.
Sticks of licorice proved particularly dangerous in this way. But the most remarkable discovery was that even bread might cause the breaking of a cusp. To quote Dr. I used sometimes to feel that persons relating these accidents were not quite honest in their statements, but when I tried the bread and found that it would wedge in between the cusps of the teeth, and not be crushed out with a force of pounds, I changed my mind,".
Already a subscriber? Sign in. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. See Subscription Options. A split lip is a common minor injury with a range of possible causes, including cold weather, skin picking, and dehydration.
The soft palate is the muscular part of the roof of the mouth. This article provides a diagram of the soft palate and discusses its anatomy and…. There is currently no cure for cold sores and no way to get rid of them quickly.
However, there are ways to ease the symptoms. Learn more in this…. What to know about a labial frenulum tear. Medically reviewed by Dr. Upper frenulum tear Lower frenulum tear Healing Repeat tearing Causes Medical treatment Complications Seeing a doctor Summary Labial frenulum tears are injuries inside the mouth. First aid for upper frenulum tear. Share on Pinterest Labial frenulum tears are more common in children and may cause bleeding and pain.
First aid for lower frenulum tear. Will they heal by themselves? Can they keep tearing? How can they tear? Medical treatment. When to see a doctor. Ear, Nose, and Throat First Aid. Exposure to air pollutants may amplify risk for depression in healthy individuals.
Costs associated with obesity may account for 3. Friday The 13th Hate-Kill-Repeat has Jason impale a man with a flagpole, then finish him off by ripping his lower jaw out. Unusually for this trope, the man lives, albeit as a disfigured recluse with a wooden prosthesis for a mandible. Live Action Television. In Ways To Die , Jimmy Millican, once a promising research chemist, has spent five years making drugs. His only form of nutrition was a six-day old piece of gum, which was dipped in citric acid in order to keep it fresh.
However, next to the acid was a bowl of red phosphorus. He accidentally dipped his gum in the wrong bowl, and when he bit down on the gum, he created enough force to ignite the phosphorus. His jaw was blown off of its hinges, and his cerebral cortex suffered from a hemorrhage. When Michonne from The Walking Dead first appears in the series, she's accompanied by two "tame" zombies that have had their arms and lower jaws amputated to make them harmless.
Ultraman Ace had an Up to Eleven example. When the monster Muruchi II accidentally bumped into the Terrible Monster Doragory, Doragory grabbed Muruchi II's jaw and pulled so hard, he literally tore off the front of the monster's body. Video Games. All of Jessica's possible deaths in Until Dawn involve her jaw being torn right off of her face. This isn't the main cause of death, though: in the first case, she's dropped down a mine shaft after her jaw's been ripped off; in the second case, the killer rams a handful of razor-sharp fingernails down her throat until she ceases breathing, then rips her jaw off.
This is one possible execution animation for Ork Nobz in Warhammer 40, Space Marine ; pin their foot with your Power Axe and then break that jaw for the Emperor. And Titus does it with so much force that it makes the Nob'z head explode. Kratos rips the werewolf's jaw off, then keeps ripping through its skin until he's torn off flesh down to the creature's stomach. In Halo , the aliens known as Elites have 4 mandibles in place of a bottom jaw.
One Elite named Rtas 'Vadum, introduced in Halo 2 , is missing his right mandibles, leading to the nickname "Half-Jaw" before his real name was revealed. Rtas refused to have a cybernetic replacement, as the injury reminded him how strong the Flood truly were. Darth Malak of Knights of the Old Republic suffered this at some point. Only it wasn't just broken One of Jason's kill animations in Friday the 13th: The Game has him rip a counselor's jaws apart with his bare hands.
With an axe, he can also do so with the sharp point. The ghost of a sex slave encountered near the end of Paranormal has a missing jaw, suggesting this trope was how her captor murdered her. In the remake of Resident Evil 2 , Leon finds a police officer's corpse where the right side of his throat and cheek carved open, so only a few strings of meat are keeping the jaw attached at all. The unusual shape of the wounds implies they were killed by a licker.
One of Nightwolf 's Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 has him drive his tomahawk between the opponent's jaws and rip the lower one off along with the entire front of upper body before tossing the axe into their heart.
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon : During the boss fight with the Golem, Spyro and Cynder have to stun it by attacking its paw and then aim for the crystals on the sides of its head, causing its lower jaw to break in half and then fall off entirely.