In geography what does sustainable mean

Why do we need sustainability? What are the different types of sustainability? How do you measure sustainability? What is sustainability and its importance? What is another word for sustainable? Words related to sustainable. What are the 4 factors of sustainability? What is the opposite of sustainability?

What is the issue of sustainability? What are the 5 principles of sustainability? Five Principles for Sustainable Communities. Enhance liveability. What is the theory of sustainability? What is a sustainable process? What are the benefits of sustainable development? Why is sustainability important for development? Why do we need to live a sustainable life? What is the main goal of sustainable development? Similar Asks.

In fact, there are many different viewpoints on this concept and on how it can be achieved. What is sustainability, then? Sustainable is an adjective for something that is able to be sustained, i. In the end, sustainability can perhaps be seen as the process es by which something is kept at a certain level. Nonetheless, nowadays, because of the environmental and social problems societies around the world are facing, sustainability has been increasingly used in a specific way.

Daniel Christian Wahl, author of Designing Regenerative Cultures, defends sustainability refers to sustaining the underlying pattern of health, resilience, and adaptability that maintain this planet in a condition where life as a whole can flourish more about regenerative cultures at the bottom of this piece. The views on sustainability seem to have a stronger focus on the present moment and on keeping things above a certain level.

By its turn, sustainable development focuses more on a long-term vision. In fact, sustainable development has a universally agreed definition that was first written in the Brundtland Report aka Our Common Future , written in Along with it also comes an idea of societal progress and an increase in quality of life across the globe. Among them are goals such as ending poverty and hunger, ensuring good health and well-being for all, providing quality education or achieving gender equality.

The principles of sustainability are the foundations of what this concept represents. Therefore, sustainability is made up of three pillars: the economy, society, and the environment.

These principles are also informally used as profit, people and planet. He argued companies should start considering this triple bottom line so that they could thrive in the long run more info about the triple bottom line in our article: sustainable development.

Today, sustainability is often spoken of with regard to climate change , which threatens life as we know it as is being largely caused by industrial practices. Some news channels are sharing the positive effects the new coronavirus outbreak is having on the environment and climate. However, unfortunately, coronavirus is likely bad news for ecology in the long-term because it is tied to a dysfunctional economic system.

We explain why, here. We will gradually add our new pieces connecting sustainability with the current coronavirus outbreak. First, because the structures that allow such conditions are incompatible with the way Nature creates Life they are economy-oriented, which is often opposed to being nature-oriented. The Regenesis Group speaks of Regenerative Development as working to reverse the degeneration of ecosystems through harmonizing human activities with the continuing evolution of life on our planet.

Under the premise, we humans are part of Nature and that our relationships, institutions, and processes should be more like Her — Gaia Education has many physical and online training programs available. Sustainability encourages people, politicians, and businesses to make decisions betting on the long term and taking future generations into account. In this way, acting sustainably encompasses a temporal framework of decades instead of a few months or years and considers more than the profit or loss involved in the short run.

A couple of different examples of sustainability depending on the industry can be found right ahead:. The use of electronic devices is growing every day. Nonetheless, these devices are made of Earth minerals extracted by the mining industry. Mining can be a very polluting industry and the development of new sites certainly has an impact on deforestation. Therefore, being sustainable in the tech field has a lot to do with using your devices for a long period — so if you want to be sustainable resist you must resist switching your smartphone every other year!

It is also about making sure you get disposed of them in a responsible way as can be very polluting if not handled properly. Soon, sustainability in technology will also be about how the mostly lithium-ion batteries of electric cars and solar panels will be disposed of. Companies focusing on recycling these batteries and building products whose core car be maintained and replaced for a new battery will also be the ones at the forefront.

Fashion, especially fast fashion, focuses on speed and low cost to frequently deliver new collections. Nonetheless, the problem with this industry its negative environmental impact. On one hand, fast-growing cotton generally requires the use of industrial, toxic chemicals pesticides and fertilizers that often causes soil pollution and depletion and water eutrophication.

In this way, if a company makes clothes with resistant materials, uses sustainably produced cotton, applies circular economy principles across its value chain and uses less toxic chemicals: it is being responsible with the environment. T he World Bank Development Web site. Go to Ollie's World and join him on an adventure to explore sustainability through games and movies. Take a minute and jot down five to ten needs that you have in your own life.

Are they sustainable or not? How could you make them more sustainable? Play Sustainable Development Games and Quizzes. Go to Planet Slayer to play games and link sustainability with global warming. Visit Kidforfuture.

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Biodiversity refers to the variety of organisms found in a particular habitat.


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