Children and youth ages 5 to 17 years accounted for 5 percent of immigrants and 18 percent of the U. People of working age 18 to 64 years comprised 78 percent of the immigrant population, a much higher figure than the 59 percent of U. Approximately 17 percent of immigrants were 65 years and older, similar to the 16 percent of the U. In , about 52 percent of all U. The share has fluctuated slightly over the past four decades: 53 percent in , 51 percent in , 50 percent in , and 51 percent in In , 45 percent of immigrants reported their race as single-race White, 27 percent as Asian, 10 percent as Black, and 15 percent as some other race.
About 2 percent reported having two or more races. In , 44 percent of U. Note : The Census Bureau classifies Hispanic and Latino as ethnic categories, separate from the racial categories listed above see Definitions box for more information.
The majority of U. Hispanics are U. Of the In , approximately 78 percent million of all The remaining 22 percent Among those who reported speaking a language other than English at home, 62 percent were Spanish speakers. Other top languages were Chinese 5 percent, including Mandarin and Cantonese ; Tagalog almost 3 percent ; and Vietnamese, Arabic, French including Cajun , and Korean about 2 percent each see Table 1.
Table 1. Languages Spoken at Home Other than English ages 5 and older , Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U. Census Bureau ACS. Figure 2. Source: MPI analysis of data from the U. Data for these 15 jurisdictions are from the U. Census Bureau pooled ACS. In , approximately 46 percent Note : The term "Limited English Proficient" refers to persons ages 5 and older who reported speaking English "not at all," "not well," or "well" on their survey questionnaire.
In , 33 percent Figure 3. Educational Attainment of U. Note: Recently arrived immigrants are those who entered the United States between and Source : MPI tabulation of data from the U. Educational attainment varies by country of origin. Other top countries were Zimbabwe 74 percent , Taiwan 73 percent , United Arab Emirates and Belarus 70 percent each , and Singapore 69 percent.
Which states have the largest number of immigrants and which ones have experienced the fastest growth of their immigrant populations? In , the top five U. When classified by immigrants' share of total population, the top five states in were California 27 percent , New Jersey 23 percent , New York 22 percent , Florida 21 percent , and Nevada 20 percent.
While traditional immigrant destinations have the largest absolute number of new immigrants, other states have seen much larger relative growth in their immigrant populations. Table 2. Census Bureau and ACS and decennial census. The civilian labor force is comprised of civilians ages 16 and older who were either employed or unemployed but looking for work in the week prior to participation in the American Community Survey or decennial census.
Immigrants constituted 17 percent Immigrant participation in the labor force has more than tripled since , when immigrants accounted for approximately 5 percent of the civilian labor force.
Figure 4. Employed Workers in the U. Civilian Labor Force ages 16 and older , by Nativity and Occupation, Note: Numbers may not add up to as they are rounded to the nearest whole number. Fourteen percent of immigrants were poor that is, with family incomes below the official poverty threshold , compared to 12 percent of the U.
In , approximately 58 percent of U. From to , the rate of uninsured immigrants fell from 32 percent to 20 percent, and the rate for the native born fell from 12 percent to 7 percent.
In , the Trump administration made a number of changes to policies initiated by the ACA, including removing the individual coverage mandate, ending cost-sharing subsidies to insurers, and cutting funding for navigator programs. In , the share of uninsured among the immigrant population remained at about 20 percent.
Note : Health insurance coverage is calculated only for the civilian, noninstitutionalized population. Since some people may simultaneously hold both private and public health insurance coverage, estimates of those with public health insurance and those with public coverage may overlap.
Their sum therefore may be greater than the total number of people with health insurance. Second-generation immigrant children are any U. First-generation immigrant children are any foreign-born children with at least one foreign-born parent.
Children with immigrant parents are both first- and second-generation immigrant children. Note : The estimates in this section include only children under age 18 who reside with at least one parent.
In , approximately They accounted for 26 percent of the Second-generation children, who were born in the United States to at least one foreign-born parent, accounted for 88 percent The remaining 12 percent 2. Between and , the number of children ages 17 and under with immigrant parents grew 30 percent, from Between and , the number grew by another 5 percent, reaching The population of first-generation children, who were born outside the United States, declined by 12 percent between and , from 2.
It then declined further by another 9 percent between and , to 2. In contrast, the number of second-generation children has grown steadily since Between and , the number increased by 40 percent, from In , there were Of them, nearly 8 million or 31 percent were children of immigrants.
Children of immigrants were more likely to be in low-income families 45 percent of the Which states have the largest number of children in immigrant families and which ones have experienced the fastest growth of this population? In , the top five states by the total number of children under age 18 living with immigrant parents were California 4 million , Texas 2.
These states accounted for 56 percent of the The five states with the largest share of children with immigrant parents in were California 47 percent of all children in the state , New Jersey 41 percent , Nevada 38 percent , New York 36 percent , and Texas 35 percent. While traditional immigrant destinations experienced the largest absolute growth in children with immigrant parents over time, other states have seen much larger relative growth see Table 3. Also, during immigration many individuals are without work and must find work once they get settled.
The majority of challenges associated with immigration deal with assimilating into life in the host country. Many immigrants take low wage jobs until they can adjust to society, gain housing, and obtain an education.
Immigrants must learn a new way of life and become familiar with the language and laws of the host country. While many immigrants leave their home country to escape persecution, it is possible that they could face discrimination or even racism in the host country. The process of immigrating is not easy, but for many individuals staying in their home country does not provide them with a promising future. Most immigrants are willing to take risks and work hard to build a solid future even though the process can be challenging.
Immigration has both positive and negative effects on the host and home countries including population totals, employment, and production. Immigration involves the movement of people from their home country to a host country, of which they are not native, to settle and live.
In , the International Organization for Migration estimated the number of foreign migrants worldwide to be more than million.
Europe, North America, and Asia host the largest number of immigrants totaling 70 million, 45 million, and 25 million in , respectively. Immigration Rates : This map shows the migration rates worldwide in The blue countries experienced positive rates, orange indicates negative rates, green shows stable rates, and the gray shows where no data was available.
Immigration involves individuals moving from their home country to live in a non-native country. In , Europe, the United States, and Asia had the highest levels of immigration worldwide. A host country experiences both advantages and challenges as a result of immigration. At certain times throughout history, larger migrations have taken place which created huge population surges.
The higher population numbers placed strain on the infrastructure and services within the host country. When immigrants move to a new country, they are faced with many unknowns, including finding employment and housing, as well as adjusting to new laws, cultural norms, and possibly a new language.
It can be a challenge for a host country to assimilate immigrants into society and provide the necessary support. Immigration does cause an increase in the labor force. This can impact great quantities of them if the immigrants are generally the same type of worker e.
Immigration is still a heavily debated topic in many host countries. Some believe that immigration brings many advantages to a country both for the economy and society as a whole. Others believe that high immigration numbers threaten national identity, increase dependence on welfare, and threaten national security through illegal immigration or terrorism.
An often overlooked fact is that illegal immigrants are taxpayers. The anti-immigrant lobby tends to ignore the money the immigrants often pay in payroll and sales taxes while counting the money spent on educating children born in the United States to immigrants. Numbers vary widely depending on the source, but undocumented immigrants are not eligible for most federal benefit programs, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
In evaluating the cost of illegal immigration, the voter has to make sure that the argument takes in both benefits consumed and taxes paid.
About , immigrants have been covered by DACA at some point since it was implemented; , are currently in the program. According to Pew, the gap consists of approximately 70, who were rejected for renewal or opted not to renew, and 40, who were able to obtain a green card.
In the campaign, President Trump has continued his push for a wall at the southern border, on top of increased enforcement both at the border and in the interior. On the Democratic side, all the candidates support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, which would require getting legislation through Congress.
Pete Buttigieg has stated that he would restore the enforcement priorities set by the Obama administration. A number of the Democratic candidates have voiced support for repealing the law that makes it a crime to cross the border without authorization. As we have seen during the Trump administration, the president can do a great deal even absent legislation to affect the situation of those seeking to come to the United States.
Voter Vitals Non-partisan, fact-based explainers on important issues for American voters. Multimedia Videos and podcasts on key election issues. Around , immigrants were deported from the U. Overall, the Obama administration deported about 3 million immigrants between and , a significantly higher number than the 2 million immigrants deported by the Bush administration between and In , the Trump administration deported , immigrants, the lowest total since Immigrants convicted of a crime made up the less than half of deportations in , the most recent year for which statistics by criminal status are available.
The number of apprehensions at the U. Today, there are more apprehensions of non-Mexicans than Mexicans at the border. In fiscal , apprehensions of Central Americans at the border exceeded those of Mexicans for the fourth consecutive year.
The first time Mexicans did not make up the bulk of Border Patrol apprehensions was in While immigration has been at the forefront of a national political debate, the U. Overall, a majority of Americans have positive views about immigrants. Yet these views vary starkly by political affiliation. Americans were divided on future levels of immigration. A quarter said legal immigration to the U.
This new methodology has also allowed the inclusion of the figure from Fresh data delivered Saturday mornings. It organizes the public into nine distinct groups, based on an analysis of their attitudes and values.
Even in a polarized era, the survey reveals deep divisions in both partisan coalitions. Use this tool to compare the groups on some key topics and their demographics. Pew Research Center now uses as the last birth year for Millennials in our work. President Michael Dimock explains why. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.