How does buffy kill the master

Fortunately, Angel and Xander Harris arrive in time to revive her, and Buffy confronts The Master again, ultimately defeating him by throwing him through the Sunnydale High skylight and impaling him on a large piece of wood. Unlike most vampires, who turn completely to dust upon their death, The Master leaves behind a skeleton; the Anointed One later tries to use these bones in a ritual to return the Master to life, but Buffy interrupts the ritual and crushes the skeleton to dust with a sledgehammer, ending his threat permanently.

The First later took The Master's shape to taunt Spike. He explains that's it's been there all along the seed was not made by Angel and Buffy; it's existence even preceded The First's , and it's considered as the beginning of everything. Currently, it's in Sunnydale, specifically, in the church where The Master was trapped after his original attempt to open the Hellmouth, and that the Slayer Organization must collect it in order to avert the current demonic invasion.

However, the seed is currently in the possession of its protector: The Master, returned to life via intervention of the Seed who chose him as the Seed's protector and restored him to "life" [2 ]. As a result of the battle, Willow overtook the power of the Seed, abandoning the Master in the church.

When Buffy and a possessed Angel arrived, Angel shattered the Master's head with a single punch, dusting him once again. Because of his extremely advanced age, the Master possessed superhuman strength, speed, and endurance far beyond those of common Vampires even those as old as The Prince of Lies or Kakistos and many other supernatural beings.

In an alternate timeline created by a vengeance Demon, he was shown to successfully fight and slay the Slayer with relatively little effort although this Buffy was not trained by Giles, nor did she have the any passion for life; she was more or less similar to Faith. He is also known to have killed several previous slayers including Buffy - at least temporarily, and the slayer he drained to perform his ritual to open the Hellmouth, and turning one - Yuki Makimura.

The turning of Yuki is likely non-canon, but there is no denying that the Master is capable of doing such a thing due to his extreme age and strength. He also possessed psychic powers that allowed him to hypnotize his victims with the wave of a hand, thus taking control of their bodies and rendering them unable to move.

Not even The Slayer was capable of resisting it. The Master also is known to be a very adept sorceror and possessed a great deal of power and skill in both mental abilities able to send his consciousness to different planes of existance - in order to cheat death, able to sense great phsycic and mystical forces, project his thoughts into victims dreams, aura-reading, and telepathy , as well as vast mystical powers - particularly a speciality in creating portals, opening The Hellmouth, summoning The Old Ones, and various forms of Self-Resurrection spells.

He also possesses an intimate knowledge of dark rituals and prophesies - such as The Harvest, the rise of The Annointed, The Pergamum Codex 's prediction of Buffy's death and his rise. Buffy the vampire slayer vampires Wiki Explore.

When he put his mind to something, he did it. He is subsequently resurrected in the first episode of the fifth season of the spin-off series Angel. Joyce is a fictional character in the action-horror television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Go there.

Fortunately for Buffy, Angel and her friend Xander arrived in time to revive her. Buffy confronted the Master just as he ascended to the roof of Sunnydale High School, above the library where the Hellmouth was located directly below. The idea was scrapped and never came to pass, but the Gentlemen did make a return in the comic Spike: Shadow Puppets.

For probably a very brief time, there was talk of Angel not returning from the ultimate sacrifice Buffy made at the end of season two. Pokemon trading card game. The last time we see Drusilla was Season 5 Episode Crush. We only see a faux Drusilla again in Season 7 when the First takes on her apperace while appearing to Spike.

Actress Sutherland found out during the third season of the series that her character would be killed off. She had no reservations about leaving the series, as she said she had planned to spend time travelling around Europe. Before Spike died, Buffy finally told Spike that she loved him. Drusilla While Spike was sired by Drusilla, indicating that he thought of Angel as his mentor. The Master was said to be the oldest vampire on record but Kakistos is from Greek antiquity.

The Master was also the sire to Darla, inadvertently leading to a long legacy of infamous vampires. At some point, the Master was turned by a descendant of the demon lord Archaeus, giving him a link to the power of this ancient demon that he passed on to other vampires in his bloodline. With the exception of Angel David Boreanaz , none of the main characters exhibit any prominent religious views although they observe some religious holidays.

Several of the villains in the series, however, are nearly fanatical about religious ritual and custom, the first of which is the Master. Sources would affirm that a powerful vampire had been enslaved by the Seed of Wonder in the 12th century.

This Master eventually faced the hardened and solitary Buffy, killing her by snapping her neck just before Giles managed to restore the original timeline. Six years later, the First Evil taunted a then-ensouled Spike by taking the shape of the major enemies faced by the Scooby Gang.

Buffy Summers went to an unknown heavenly dimension after she died.


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