How does blitzball exp work

Goalies gain 2 EXP per half without doing anything. After the initial games at lower level, the only ways to increase the difficulty of Blitzball are to recruit low-speed players with other low stats as well, or reset data. Resetting data will remove all abilities, levels, and Blitzball completion in general. Miyu is a Crusader who can be recruited as a blitzball free agent in Final Fantasy X.

Therefore she is both useful as a Goalkeeper and defender. Yes, very easy. On the first half just pass the ball around and hide behind Keepa until time runs out. On the second half wait until the minute mark and use Jecht Shot for a guaranteed goal.

The Jecht Shot can only be acquired aboard the S. Refer to this page of the main walkthrough to see how to play the mini-game in order to get the shot. For everything else, you have to use Tech Copy. At the beginning of each match, you have the opportunity to assign your team to mark specific members.

This also allows you to see the other team's Tech Arsenal, so put whatever team member you want to learn a listed Tech those able to learn are highlighted onto that opposition. When you're playing the match, switch your Formation to Mark Mode , and then hit whenever "Tech Copy" appears in the right hand corner of the screen. You can also "win" techniques from winning tournaments and leagues.

How to Recruit Players After your first match in Luca, you now have the ability to "scout" players; instead of using the regular talk command to NPCs , use to view Blitz stats and availability. Through this menu, you can hire new players, or release people from their contracts. As you get better at Blitzball and gain experience, your Scouting skills will increase, allowing you to see more player data and stats before recruiting.

Since there's no rules as to who plays what positions, just know what stats etc. Grabbing Other Team Players You can hire players from other teams, provided their contract has ran out. You'll often be alerted of contract changes and what not during Blitz gameplay, but you can also view a players' contract by Scouting them, and seeing how many games they have left.

You have to be swift to pick up some good guys like Nimrook, so I'll let you know where you can find each of the teams in order to grab whichever you desire.

Free Agents There are also keen Blitzers around Spira who haven't been signed to a team yet. There are 24 in total, but as I'm sure you've guessed, not all 24 are worth the effort of tracking down. U can repeatedly fight ultima buster in monster arena for the chance of winning equipment with triple ap, trip overdrive, and even overdrive to ap already on it. Let me know any questions about details on this. I appreciate the explanation bro. And now decided to get a ps4 and play it again. Everything seems new to me again, and I really loved how you explained em thoroughly.

Good one! And Keep making sweet videos! Already having triple AP means you are already super strong. What is this more efficient way that you think is too hard for casual gamers to pull off? The game essentially gives you 3 Triple Overdrives for nothing. I got one question. Being unsheltered is all part of being an adult.

Thanks for the video! Very good points in it. I know commenting on a video that is almost 5 years old but gotta say it. Winning formula can be bribed from the sandworm. You get like from bribing him. It is like k and if it misses, bribe 1 gil after that.

Also to get the tonberry kills for karma, fight the zombie gunners in zanarkand. The game reads the code for the fight weird and counts the weapons of the enemy as an extta enemy. Kill those, level from those while doing it, just throw phoenix downs on them or use life. Also battling ultima weapon drops the weapons too if you dont want to grind for items or grind for gil to use in bribes. Love this vid. I understand your frustration to the silly comments, but know that there are some, like me, who agree wholeheartedly with you.

I have about 20 hrs. I love how most of the comments below are about not understanding how to play Blitzball at all. He will end up being 20Lvls over all your other players. I have a cuestion. Why when I flee from the battle I dont get AP? I need to kill him 1 time least? Sorry my english its bad:. Please rewrite a script. Because you have no idea what you are gonna say next, you fumble words and change what you plan and its not helpful. I had to grind for a bit to get to an appropriate level to fight Jecht.

Even so, I was hoping this video would show me how I could be top notch before the boss fight with Jecht was even on the horizon. Define final bosses, ofc you can take down jecht only by playing the game normally and never plvl but you cant take down any dark aeons or special arena monsters. Doing this will unlock the two most integral items you need.

One for each character. Each time costs 30x, so it leaves you with 9x left. Do this seven to eight times depending on how many you get per bribe and you are done. This is a lot of Gil, 6,, or thereabouts.

Is there an easier way to do this? Or is there a way to get the materials required for those weapon abilities early on? I jist finished the monster arena and did all sidequesting with Rikku, Wakka, and Tidus.

With Rikku, I can kill one-eye in 3 hits with the autohaste, pheonix, protect armor with ribbon. The armor is night and day, holy shit. Too bad its so much easier to use triple ap, overdrive to ap, and triple overdrive. Sorry for the question but I just started to play this game…so…how do you skip turns? But I like the video. Best way is to get Triple ap. But you need to sacrifice few hours to get those items:.

I love those leveling vids on FFX. Leveling in this game is useless if you dont have the spheres to use. In minutes. This video is one of the greatest things that mankind has ever created. Yet do-able! Be prepared to hate your life, this mini-game, and reality itself.

You know what I did? I fought normal master tonberries in the arena. With this is mind, you can stop using anima once your characters can handle him themselves. All about science and technology. Click on "Watch later" to put videos here. Expert Mark. Table of Contents:. Show Description A quick tutorial to easily get , AP and level your characters. Show Description This get real boring, but quickly levels characters while denying your opponents EXP. Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

Boards Final Fantasy X how do you gain experience in blitzball? User Info: chevalianknight. A true knight, will forsake egoism and humiliate oneself with knighthood. User Info: erict Yes, your players gain EXP by passing, scoring, successfully tackling and blocking.


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