What will the enders game movie be rated

Profanity B. Substance Use A. Run Time: minutes Official Movie Site. Get Content Details. The Guide to our Grades. About author. Rod Gustafson has worked in various media industries since He founded Parent Previews in , and today continues to write and broadcast the reviews in newspapers, on radio and of course on the Internet. His efforts also include writing and researching media in all its forms and observing how it effects society and culture. He and his wife Donna have four children.

Sexual Content: None noted. Language: A crude male anatomical term is heard. Page last updated July 17, Thor Hammers the Weekend Box Office. Harrison Ford as Colonel Hyrum Graff. Abigail Breslin as Valentine Wiggin. Aramis Knight as Bean. Jimmy "Jax" Pinchak as Peter Wiggin.

Viola Davis as Major Gwen Anderson. Ben Kingsley as Mazer Rackham. Suraj Partha as Alai. Khlylin Rhambo as Dink Meeker. Reviews Ender's Game. Simon Abrams November 01, Now streaming on:. Powered by JustWatch. Orson Scott Card Producer. Ed Ulbrich Producer. Bill Lischak Executive Producer. David Coatsworth Executive Producer. Ivy Zhong Executive Producer. Venkatesh Roddam Executive Producer. Ted Ravinett Executive Producer. Deborah Del Prete Executive Producer.

Mandy Safavi Executive Producer. Donald McAlpine Cinematographer. Sean Haworth Production Design. Ben Procter Production Design. View All Critic Reviews Jul 27, So Ender's game movie adaptation on the novel Ender's game is quite good with many fails which the movie would be one of the best movies of all time without.

Although the fails the movie has some better moments than the book itsself. That's the sad about it the film unlucky to get some better repairs of the script and maybe it might be more great if the film was even longer that would've been a larger view through the amazing plot. From the begining it's seen that the staff for the production can make it better , but not the first two scenes , after them. They show us a little bit of Ender's life on Earth , that's a mistake.

Even two more minutes may have been crucial to make the movie more exciting. After that one there is another mistake that shows itsself because the weird change of positioning of the main characters around Andrew Wiggin. Alaj , the best friend of Ender , is shown even more seldom than other character Been , who meets Ender first. Then the most nasty fail or act of the staff is the timing of the training of the main character - Andrew and then the others'. It's shown that Ender learns everything about the ships and all other little important things about the job for only around days.

That's impossible , maybe not for Been but for a normal human it is not. He has to learn so much data and it takes time to learn it like he has to. Also it might have been a lot better if the "simulator battles" in the comander school were more many to let the audience see how hard it is to those kids to fight day in and day out.

And show us their fatigue. Last thing. The end. The end could've been more impacting. So that was from me. I like the movie a lot. So and the book. It's my favourite. Actually the movie could've been better than the book if the staff wasn't too stupid to make a more great script.

But it is still a great movie , for me amazing , because I love it. If the producers find people better than this ones the sequels might be great. For example I suggest me after few years - y. Valeri I Super Reviewer. Aug 28, Disappointing adaptation of the Sci-Fi novel. While the special effects are pretty decent, especially the zero G training has some interesting scenes you haven't seen like that before.

And while there are great names among the adult actors, most of the kids just do not work. It's also the script's fault that they come across as brats, especially the main character. Everything just works out miraculously for him, chosen one and all that jazz. Sure, there is a pretty dark twist later one and the ideas that come from that make for an interesting ending, turning a lot of the military bravado from earlier on its head, but by then it's too late: you don't care about anything happening on the screen for a while already.

Jens S Super Reviewer. Aug 23, I will preface by saying I never read the book. Now, based off that statement and the PG rating and some of the acting talent in the film, especially the older actors, this movie was stale and frustrating acting wise as much as it was tame and predictable plot wise. The book is better than this movie. Kandungan satir sosial politik yang berbalut kisah fiksi ilmiah inilah yang mampu membuat naskah cerita arahan sutradara Gavin Hood X-Men Origins: Wolverine , terasa begitu kuat dalam menantang kemampuan intelektual para penontonnya.

Untuk mencegah kembali kedatangan sekaligus penyerangan para makhluk asing dari luar angkasa di masa yang akan datang, pihak militer yang menyebut diri mereka International Fleet telah membentuk Battle School dan Command School dimana mereka akan melatih para anak-anak yang terpilih untuk menjadi prajurit dan membela planet Bumi ketika para makhluk asing dari luar angkasa kembali datang menyerang.

Salah satu anak yang begitu hasrat untuk dapat ambil bagian dalam pasukan pembela Bumi tersebut adalah Andrew Wiggin Asa Butterfield atau ang lebih akrab dipanggil dengan nama Ender. Sebagai anak ketiga dalam keluarganya, Ender memiliki sikap keras seperti kakak laki-lakinya, Peter Jimmy Pinchak , sekaligus rasa kasih sayang yang mendalam seperti kakak perempuannya, Valentine Abigail Breslin.

Dipadukan dengan kecerdasan pribadinya, sosok Ender berhasil menarik perhatian Colonel Graff Harrison Ford dan Major Gwen Anderson Viola Davis yang lantas menaruh perhatian mereka pada Ender serta percaya bahwa dirinya adalah sosok pahlawan yang selama ini telah mereka cari.

Namun, tentu saja, perjalanan untuk menempuh berbagai pelatihan di Battle School sama sekali tidaklah mudah. Selain harus menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang menguji ketangguhan fisik serta kecerdasan otak dan emosionalnya, Ender juga masih harus berhadapan dengan beberapa murid lain yang mencoba untuk menghalangi jalannya. Dengan segala ketekunannya, Ender berhasil dengan mudah membuktikan berbagai keunggulannya.

Karena hal itu pula, International Fleet lantas langsung membawa Ender ke wilayah perang — meskipun tanpa persetujuan dari Major Gwen Anderson yang menganggap dirinya masih terlalu muda. Colonel Graff menginginkan Ender untuk menjadi sosok yang tangguh dan menanamkan kepadanya bahwa pemusnahan seluruh ras makhluk asing dari luar angkasa akan menjadi jalan aman bagi seluruh manusia di permukaan Bumi.


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