And, this is where placement plays a huge role. So, what do they exactly mean and how are they different from each other? To help you know everything related to campus placements, its types, preparation tips, and more , we have created an in-depth blog for you.
As the name suggests, this placement or recruitment activity is held on the campus of the college you are studying. In this activity, the college placement cell invites the top companies and corporate partners. The companies are expected to interview students and gauge their potential as future employees.
Now, the interview process might vary from company to company. However, most recruiters do conduct an aptitude test, group discussion, and personal interview. Post the interviews, they make selections and offer jobs. Whenever anyone is choosing a college, they often check the placement record. This helps them understand the kind of recruiters that visit, the number of students placed, and types of profiles offered.
When it comes to campus placement, there are many reasons why so many prefer it. A few of them include:. An off-campus student is still controlled via tests, projects, works, which have to be submitted within specific deadlines. Also, such students are obliged to visit a university for tests. A distant student is also controlled; however, the control level is significantly lower.
Such a student might never visit the university building; everything is done and sent online. For this study type, incredible motivation and time-management skills are needed. Considering that many distant students are from poor countries or remote areas, interruption in studies is possible.
For them, the course might be extended, or courses with flexible deadline options might be provided. Conclusion Thus, whether you can choose off-campus or distance education depends on many circumstances. First of all, your employment status impacts your decision and the decision of the university. If you are employed, you are entitled to off-campus studies. For the second option, the main factors that will impact your success in studies are your motivation and wish to study.
Here is no employer or a possible promotion to motivate you. Thus, your choice will depend on your life situation. Vote count: 0.
No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post. Hello , got a question. Students who do so get to meet other students in their residence halls and quickly form friendships. For incoming students, this can make the transition easier. Living with a roommate is also a great way to learn about sharing a space, compromise, and communication.
Many people who live together go on to have lifelong friendships. Princeton graduate Libby Tolman made three great friendships in her time at the US university. She met one before moving in to their residence hall, on Facebook, and another when there, while brushing her teeth! Through all the chaos, I got to know each of my roommates better and to respect them more and more. My roommates are the people I know best at Princeton, and the people at Princeton who know me best, and I often turn to them for encouragement, advice and inspiration, which they never fail to provide.
In one particularly memorable moment, Kelly and Nikhila organized a surprise Valentine's Day party after a busy week in February. I came back to the dorm late on a Friday and found a desk covered with flowers and cookies.
Nikhila, Kelly and Saumya are my faithful hands at Princeton and will shape my memories of the school for years to come. And, who knows, you may even meet more than friends living on campus. In fact, around one-fifth of UK students find the love of their life on campus! Andrews in Scotland. Michelle, a University of Birmingham politics graduate, told The Tab, "We met on the first day ever at uni. We were in the same flat and had rooms opposite each other. I fancied him almost immediately. One night he asked if anyone wanted to watch Mulan and while everyone else said no, I swept in for a private movie night.
He was still oblivious that I liked him until our flatmate pointed it out. It can be two or more. It also means you are supervised by an RA Resident Assistant at all times.
You have to follow the rules of the dorm read: curfew time and manoeuvre around the schedule of the communal bathroom. Off-campus rooms or accommodations do not come with such hassles. You can choose to have no roommate.
You can even have a private bathroom. There are no limitations on how late you can stay out. This comes in handy if you have a part-time job. Besides, the flats are much quieter. In a nutshell, off-campus housing affords more privacy. When it comes to studying, the better between on-campus and off-campus residence is determined by the student.
If you focus and concentrate better on privacy and pin-drop silence, then a rented room, flat, or house is the right choice. If you learn better in group studies, then campus housing is the more suitable choice. The factors explained above are the most critical points you should consider when picking between on-campus and off-campus housing, but two more things are worth mentioning. Social life is far more active in off-campus residence because you live with friends and are free of time-restrictions.
Plus, when you live away from the school, you get the opportunity to become a capable adult. Each household decision or chore is your responsibility. Yes, it does add a bit more work on your shoulders, but it is a life lesson that pays exponentially in the future.