It comes from behind him and shoots out through his front. Treat him like a dragon and stand off to the side. Once on the ground he will do the large AOE green effect, get out of it.
Also he has a random purple laser he shoots at everyone, healers just have to heal through it. It's really critical because of all the healing mobs. Waterspout : Lady Naz'jar will shield herself with this which bumps all party member close to her. You then have 60s to kill them before her Waterspout fades and she'll come back into fight, wether or not the 3 adds are dead.
Naz'jar Honor Guard use Arc Slash. Commander Ulthok Dark Fissure : as soon he starts to cast this smash, the Tank must move right away to avoid it, and Melee DPS should not stet into the void zone left behind. Squeeze : standard « grip'n'hurt », just heal through it. Enrage : can be dispelled with normal known means. Erunak Stonespeaker Mindbender Ghur'sha phase 1 : fighting Erunak Stonespeaker Magma Splash : as mentionned above, the flames take start behind him , and go through him into a frontal cone.
Lava Bolt : a 2s cast time single target Fire bolt that must be interrupted since the damage will easily bring to low life anyone under 30k HP. Has a knock back effect of 50 yards too. Enslave : Mindbender Ghur'sha will periodically jump on one's head to take control of him for all my fights it was the Tank that was chosen. Mind Fog : AoE green foggy zone, just get out of it. Comment by The entrance to the Throne of Tides is located in the Abyssal Breach, the swirling sink hole in Vashj'ir.
Comment by badget The Dungeon map kinda looks like the Female reproductive system. With both ovaries and and Uterus Wikipedia: Female reproductive system. Comment by davenrothz This states it is a level instance, however the LFG for dungeons shows level Comment by kazumi To get to the dungeon entrance, go to Abyssal Depths in Vashj'ir, it's the west zone. In the northeast of the map is a huge whirlpool and the bottom of the sea floor. Swim into the whirlpool and you'll get pulled into a chamber the Throne of the Tides entrance.
When you get sucked into the whirlpool and land in the water inside the chamber, the TotT entrance is straight ahead of you. If you haven't done the first quest in the zone yet for underwater breathing, you might not be able to make it to the whirlpool if you're swimming from the surface. Can someone confirm? I did the quest before I went to find the entrance. Comment by Truelove You can find the location on the map of Vashj'ir and the dungeon on the worldmap west of Ironforge Dun Morogh , see screenshot.
To get there go to Stormwind and talk to Recruiter Burns to get the quest Call of Duty, take the boat on that dock. Wait for movie, do the first quest to get water breathing for 2 hours and swim up.
Head to the maelstrom at the west in Abyssal Depths; see screenshot and swim down. This takes forever tho.. You will discover Abyssal Maw and see the dungeon entrance, enter it.
Humanoids for the duration of that lockout. Comment by Lienka Something i myself wanted to know - how to get out of the entry room after you have found the entrance: Talk to the dranei next to the entrance to go back to Vash'jir. Comment by Nakama On the fight where you are assisting Neptulon, just simply keep him clear until you get giant-sized. Once you do, look up! You'll need to target Ozumat and DPS the guy with your gigantic selves! Once you bring him down, you should be finished with the instance.
Comment by Mordak You guys should note that when you're in the fight against Ozumat, sometime in the fight, you will become giants and Ozumat's gonna put a black ooze all across the platform.
Comment by Omnifarious83 Just an FYI on Erunak Stonespeaker Mindbender Ghur'sha you can make your healers job easier by ducking behind a pillar during the AoE mindflay and letting the tank soak the damage in the center of the room.
Comment by bconnerly Funny little glitch in this dungeon. You can jump on a Worgen's back who is currently using. You can double up on a Polar Bear. Is there anyway for a level 78 to enter this dungeon?
Is it possible to enter at level 78 if all of your gear was cataclysm greens with a high enough item level? Comment by JGPenfield The cata dungeons require an average item level score. I had all epic gear but it was level and I was not able to queue until I had obtained enough green cataclysm gear to raise my item level. What was your average item level when you tried to enter? Comment by Gearat A note for anyone having trouble on heroic with the goblins before Mindbender Ghur'sha: They seem to only throw poisoned spears once, at the start of the pull.
So if you can mind control one, you can sit back and laugh as his friends kill him almost instantly. Other ways to avoid the poison spears are sacrificing a hunter's pet or enhancement shaman's wolves. Comment by Rocknight For those who wait until they're a little higher level before trying the dungeons So try it out while you're still at the appropriate level Comment by Sallam Heroic Difficulty Anyone have a good way to get through the hallway full of goblin hunters and aquamages?
The hallway to Erunak Stonespeaker soon as we attempt to cc some, we get blasted by 40k shots from the hunters and heals can't come off because of the aquamages knockback wave My group wiped more on that hallway than on any of the bosses.
I'm looking for something constructive please. Comment by sxizzor careful, if you swim too far down in the cave where the entrance is, you die. Comment by For everyone having trouble with Gilgoblin mobs in the hallway before Erunak Stonekeeper encounter It's very, very healing intensive, and with a big group of them usually someone is sacrificed due to the Spear the hunters throw.
Here's my tip: Being a priest and a healer, I cast Mind Control on the aquamage, this draws aggro on all nearby hunters, they throw their spears on the mob I controlled, kill him instantly, and then RUN towards us, without throwing anything. I use fade, lose aggro, tank picks them up, we nuke the mages first without any real problems the hunters were.
Hope this helps. Comment by On the elevator, you can mount up and all mounts are two-person. Further, if you are mounted and so is someone else, you can get on their mount while also staying on your mount. With this you can have a stack of mounts, which looks really stupid if you were to stack 5 Traveller's Tundra Mammoth with your entire group being composed of Tauren.
Another glitch is that if you are mounted on someone elses mount while also on your own mount, when the person goes into the next tunnel, you stay on your mount. Comment by Stagemaster is it just me or does there seem to be a sevear lack of tanking iteams? Comment by Tricycle I was able to enter the instance at level Some of the items will make break pvp gear for Comment by Mellro abyssal maw which is the name of the place that holds throne of the tides dungeon, will actually be a new 5 man instance in a later cataclysm patch.
Comment by Crumpy Nazgrim is patrolling the entrance to find Thrall's balls. Comment by pezz Pezz's complete guide to: The twelve gibgoblins pull before the optional boss!
The deadliest part of this pull is the initial volley. Even with split second timing on three different CCs, you'll likely have the first DPS to have his land go splat! So the key is to find another way to avoid it.
This is where your ret or holy paladin comes in. Have him bubble and body pull the mobs. It's important that he body pull because you're trying to get them as close together as possible!
While doing this, your warrior or feral tank should be getting as close as he dares to the mobs, without risking a typhoon knockback. This is because he'll be charging in soon! Your moonkin can now hit them all with an AoE silence at the same time, right on top of your paladin!
It's at this point that your warrior or feral tank charges in, grabs the mobs, and it's AoE time! As there is a lot of AoE involved, you really should have a demo lock who knows how to mash the hellfire button. Kill them all and you're all set to wonder who in your party really needs the 70 optional JP you're killing trash to reach!
Comment by When you go to the posessed Erunak, there's a bunch of mobs on the way there. The spear throwers aren't the biggest deal there, the big dudes however are. First they throw you up in the air, then when you finally land, near them, they do multiple ground slams which can hurt you badly, even kill.
I've seen many groups wipe here. Tip if you have a priest in your group: make sure he levitates everyone in the group once you go up in the air. The ground slam will not hurt you if you're levitated, unless ofcourse the levitate is cancelled due to damage.
This trick however, will make sure that at least a few in your group take loads less damage, making it way easier for your healer to keep you up. If you actually travel to the instance entrance you can run them whatever your gear is like, and you can run them at My warlock is now level 78 with 38k hp, Interrupt Shock Blast. Boss Enrages.
Interrupt Lava Bolt. Earth Shards move towards a location, avoid this. Move out of Mind Fog. Stage 2: Kill all 3 Faceless Sappers. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Commander UlthokTrashThere is no trash. As you turn around to head back into the rest of the instance, Ulthok will pop up in front of you from the pool on the floor.
BossUlthok is a more challenging boss in theory, although we discovered on beta that he can be kited and killed solo by a class with slows due to his infrequent casts and the number of places to line-of-sight him. I imagine this will be altered before going Live. His melee swings on the tank come in at around the k mark, which is not massive but can add up. Directly in front of him and leaves a Dark Fissure on the ground lasting 2 minutes which deals shadow damage to anyone in it.
The tank should move away quickly to avoid being one-shot, and should move Ulthok out of the way so that melee DPS can avoid standing in the resulting Fissure. The other thing Ulthok will do is a random player in his hand, stunning them and dealing 5k Shadow damage to them per second for 6 seconds 6 hits. Erunak StonespeakerAfter heading back to the three-way intersection near the beginning of the instance, there will be two paths to take.
Erunak Stonespeaker is along the path which does not have purple elementals on it. You must keep Neptulon alive for the duration of this fight, or the encounter will reset.