I have only been using id s as namespaces in Sass rather than relying on them for selectors. Then, those classes were slapped all throughout the app willy-nilly when someone wanted a certain element to be a certain color.
Great, it made adding new things and styling them quickly. I am especially fond of the new component based architecture used by a few of the big frameworks and especially Angular 2 which has a separate.
That way my general styles. Even better yet, if Bootstrap can get me a halfway decent looking, functional page I can skip CSS altogether and move on without the frustration! I say this mostly because you can use variables so things like colors could all be defined in one file and those variables can then be used throughout the rest of the styling. Should a color ever need to change, you need to only change it once in the colors file.
Yeah, the pre-processors would work great. Not likely to happen anytime soon with this version of the application. It works. Seems simple:. The last paragraph is still red when hovering over it. Now it works. Last paragraph is still green.
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Learn more. To make more detailed changes, you need a more specific selector. The most specific is an ID selector. Then put the style properties you want to apply to the element in brackets. Before we take a look at those rules below, let me make an important note about the examples below. The first rule to keep in mind when using the ID attribute is that it must contain at least one character and cannot begin with a number. Then I might give each h2 an ID name.
The second rule to keep in mind is that if an element is given an ID name, it must be unique within a page. That way, an ID selector selects only one unique element.
The following CSS would change the font size of each h The last rule to keep in mind when using ID selectors is that the property value of the ID selector must match the ID name exactly. The default h2 style in Bootstrap would render instead, as shown below. Now let's apply them by using an ID selector to style images. Let's say you want to style a specific image on your page. Maybe you want it to have a different shape and level of opacity than the other images on that page.
In that case, you could use an ID selector. To start, you'd add an ID attribute to the image. This ID attribute can appear anywhere inside the image element: before the img src attribute , after the src attribute but before the alt attribute, after both the img src and alt attributes. In the example below, I'll place the ID attribute "round" before the src and alt attributes in the second image element. In CSS, a class is used to group more than one element, whereas an ID is used to identify a single element.
Another key difference between a class selector and an ID selector is specificity. CSS selectors have different levels of specificity so that if an HTML element is targeted by multiple selectors, the browser will apply the CSS rule of the selector with the higher specificity.