The game is scripted that you are onlyallowed 1 human companion normally with or withoutrecruiting the dog. So, normally, you can have only 1follower and the dog. However, if you kill Dogmeat your nowencoded to be able to have 2 followers so you arefree to recruit someone else.
First of all, yes, you can get him back later. When dismissing a companion , they will head back to their home location - by default this is usuallyaround where you first hired them. You can re-hirethem there by talking to them again and asking them to join you for another fancy adventure. More Companions Dean Domino - ghoulified Pre-war lounge singer. Christine - a mute ex-Brotherhood Scribe. Last Updated: 21st July, It is possible to have up to two legitimatelyacquired companions in the party one humanoid and one non-humanoid.
All permanent companions have aunique quest line that can be followed in order to "upgrade"them, usually giving them new armor or new perks. Collene Carreton Professional. Can dogmeat wear armor? Simply call Dogmeat over, initiate a trade andgive him the dog-friendly items. Aminata Yagodin Professional. Who is the best companion in Fallout 4? John Hancock. Preston Garvey. Piper Wright. Paladin Danse. So far, we've had a couple of girls, few dudes,a robot and our favorite, Dogmeat.
Patiently, we've come to the last companion on ourlist. Akbar Euzenat Professional. How many companions can you have in New Vegas? All eight permanent companions in Fallout : New Vegas. It is possible to have up to two legitimately acquired companions in the party one humanoid and onenon-humanoid.
Andreia Meiner Explainer. Can you take dogmeat and another companion? You can 't bring another companion with himat the same time, but the Lone Wanderer perk still works with himaround. Sharyn Brda Explainer. How many companions can you have in Fallout 4? Matus Irigoyenzar Pundit. When did dogmeat get named? Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Fallout: New Vegas Store Page. Global Achievements.
I was reading the wikia for help on Arcade Gannon's quest, and saw somewhere that he could be recruited with someone else think Lily? Can this really be done? If yes, are there any other possible combinations? View source. History Talk Fallout: New Vegas overviews. PC Playstation 3 Xbox When entering the casinos on the Strip, they will take all companions' weapons. Exiting will not return their weapons they own.
This seems to happen when Arcade is in the Lucky The only way to fix this is to dismiss all companions, then recruit Arcade. This can result in negative HP which cannot be cured with more stimpaks, and they will die as soon as you exit the companion wheel. For weaker poisons, this may lower their HP, but since it doesn't go below zero, they don't die. On the other hand, they will not use antivenom , so the poison may end up killing them naturally.
This is especially a problem with Veronica , as she prefers unarmed combat. Patched in Fallout: New Vegas patch 1. The poison will cause your companion to go unconscious a few times, but the poison will eventually wear off.
After that, hardcore mode can be turned back on. The reason for this working is simply because, in casual mode, companions are set as essential and cannot die. Note : Turning off hardcore mode at any point in the game will disable the hardcore achievement, so this solution is not recommended for anybody who is trying to get that achievement. Yet another way is to tell the companion to wait, which appears to replenish the companion's health and remove the poisoning.
The follower can then be asked to rejoin. This can be performed even during combat. You may need to completely dismiss the follower from your party. After reacquiring them later on, if their health has not been replenished, have them engage in combat with an enemy preferably weak and non-poisonous, to be safe.
This should "reset" their statistics, and upon completing the combat encounter, they should auto-heal just as normal. Temporary solution is sending your companion home or to the Lucky 38 then recruiting them again. Alternatively treating them with stimpaks very quickly after they are poisoned will prevent their health from becoming negative and actually heal them instead of killing them.
Xbox The option to dismiss companions to the Lucky 38 will disappear even before Mr. House becomes hostile to the player. This can be fixed by disconnecting from the internet, then removing the latest patch and reloading the game while still disconnected from the internet. Installing the patch again will not allow you to send your followers to the Lucky Highly suggest not doing this if companion is given a unique weapon.