How much does ezekiel jackson bench press

In the years since he left professional wrestling, Goldberg has developed a reputation as someone who "can't wrestle. He definitely wasn't the greatest wrestler we've ever seen, but when I was a kid, he was still one of my favorites to watch for one reason: The jackhammer. The way that Goldberg hoisted up his opponents, held them above his head and then drove them to the mat with such incredible quickness was a sight to see just about every time he did it.

Godberg was able to jackhammer The Giant a. At the Royal Rumble, Dino Bravo loaded a barbell with what he claimed to be pounds and attempted to set the world bench press record. You can clearly see though, that, his spotter Jesse "The Body" Ventura helped him lift the weight and that there probably wasn't pounds on the bar anyway.

But Bravo was still known as one of the strongest wrestlers around at the time, and he certainly did his part in lifting a lot of weight—no matter how much it actually was. Even though he wasn't quite as strong as made himself out to be, Bravo used this lift to start referring to himself as "The World's Strongest Man. At last month's Vengeance pay-per-view, Mark Henry superplexed The Big Show in an amazing display of strength that many pundits are saying was a copycat of Brock Lesnar's superplex on Show from It's amazing to watch such a large man like The Big Show take such a big bump from the turnbuckle, and it's even more amazing that Henry and Lesnar were able to help guide him over.

I'm not going to complain if we see this exact same spot eight years from now because it's something that will always stick out in mind as one of those unreal "WTF? Ezekiel Jackson certainly wasn't the first wrestler to body slam a big man, and he definitely won't be the last. Whereas numerous other memorable body slams looked like they were intense struggles, Big Zeke picked up show with relative ease and even held him up for a few seconds before slamming him to the mat. It was almost as if he was saying, "Anything you can do, I can do better" to those whose famous body slams came before him.

On Jule 4, aboard the U. Intrepid, numerous men—from professional football players to professional wrestlers—all failed in their attempts to body slam the WWE's resident colossus, Yokozuna. Though some might say that Luger's slam looked weak or that he got too much assistance from Yokozuna, I don't think they realize exactly how much strength it took for Luger to do that. Wrestling is all about guys helping make each other look good, and that's what Yokozuna did here.

But give Luger some credit, because he was the one who did most of the work and one of the few guys in wrestling history who could have pulled that move off. The Ultimate Warrior, though not a very accomplished wrestler, was extremely strong.

He slammed Andre the Giant with what looked like relative ease and can allegedly bench press lbs. Big John Studd was extremely famous during the Golden Era of wrestling where he frequented the main event. He even faced Andre the Giant in a slam challenge. Reason for being on the list: Slamming the Big Show and holding him there for a prolonged period. Batista became a huge main event star in the WWE after starting out in Evolution. He, like others has a huge muscular body, due to the strenuous workouts he does.

He had the stereotypical large, muscular frame and proved his strength by throwing other wrestlers around like rag dolls. If anyone doubted his strength, they were soon silenced when he managed to lift Yokozuna. His body building training is on another level as he pushes himself to the absolute limit.

Davey Boy Smith was extremely strong, allegedly due to steroids, as he naturally had a small stature. Despite being floored by Jericho multiple times in a backstage scuffle, Goldberg can still be considered as string due to the strength he displayed when manhandling other wrestlers in the ring. Brock Lesnar is one of the most muscular guys ever to step into a WWE ring.

His muscles are not just for show. He has shown undeniable strength during his professional wrestling career. Despite not being as ripped as others on the list, Kane has ridiculous strength. His sidewalk slams to humongous guys are proof enough. Reason for being on the list: He is reportedly the winner of a backstage arm-wrestling competition.


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