As you change the height of the box or step, you can change up your tempo and foot strike for a different challenge. Give this a shot and find out where you are weakest. You may be surprised. The bodyweight stepup is great, but you can only keep raising the box or step height so far before you need to add some weight to your body to keep making a change.
What I love about the weight vest is that it allows your arms to move freely and in a reciprocal opposite arm-leg fashion that mimics running. In this regard, I feel there is a very high functional carryover. You can either use a traditional weight vest I like the Hypervest from Hyperwear or you can use a Ruck Sack. Dumbbells are next because you can start with very light weights and slowly build up from there. You can also use progressive level changes to increase the difficulty with the same weights by moving from holding them at hip level to chest level and then to overhead.
Plus, you can mix in some asymmetrical work by either holding two different weights in your hand or holding a single weight in one hand.
This greatly increases the training effect on your hips and core. The main limitation of dumbbell work is that your grip strength and endurance tends to limit how many reps and sets you can do. You can mix in kettlebells too. One of my favorite stepup variations is the single-arm bottoms-up kettlebell stepup.
It will smoke your arms and shoulders and the stability demands are off the charts. If you tend to do stepups too fast, these will really slow you down, in a good way. Barbells allow for the most possible loading to be put through your system and thus the strength benefits cannot be denied. But holding a heavy weight on the front or back of your shoulders has an inherently greater stability demands than the previous two options.
This provides some odd object lifting that will stimulate more muscles and joint stabilizers and create a larger neurological and metabolic demand on your system. You have so many different holding positions to choose from for endless variety. I like to train stepup strength for 3 to 5 sets of 5 to 10 reps per side. Do 1 set every 2 minutes. Either alternate legs each rep or do all your reps on one side before switching.
Both ways work so mix between them from time to time. Before you do something fast, you want to be able to do it slow and under control. Do 10 stepup jumps EMOM every minute on the minute and rest the remainder of each minute. To date, there are six Step Up movies. The order of the Step Up movie series is as follows:. Step Up: Year of the Dance is a Chinese produced movie which is a standalone entry rather than a directly connected sequel. The Step Up movies are the work of multiple directors.
Should you wish to read other movie-related posts, please check out one of the recommended reads below. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
You are commenting using your Facebook account. As I mentioned earlier, they seem easier to perform than they actually are, and a proper technique will go a long way to help you reap all the benefits of the exercise. More advanced lifters can also use step-ups as an accessory exercise for deadlifts.
If your goal is strength, repeat all reps on one leg and then switch and repeat all reps on the other leg. Alternating legs and doing reps for time will make it more of a cardiovascular exercise, which may be appropriate in a conditioning circuit. Women are tired of spending hours in the gym without seeing the results they want. Fortunately, no matter your goal, we can help. Strength gain, muscle gain, fat loss, more energy—we've got you and your goals covered.
What Are the Benefits of the Step-Up? In general, step-ups can be used to do any or all of the following: Build lower body strength. Center Stage Footloose They married on July 11, , in Malibu, California. They have one daughter, born in On April 2, , the couple announced that they were separating.
A free-style street dancer with no formal training, Tatum was chosen for the role because of his natural talent. How many step ups are there? Asked by: Prof. Dudley Gerhold. Do I have to watch step up in order? Is Step Up 2 on Netflix? Who is the best dancer in Step Up?