The chemical compound dissolves into the butane and produces a gummy paste containing extremely high levels of THC. This paste or gum is then heated with a blow torch or lighter and releases a vapor that the user inhales. Unlike smoking marijuana, dabbing can instantly make you feel high. It bypasses the slow build-up commonly associated with smoking joints. The potency of dabs and their high THC concentration means they can also bring on much more powerful side effects and potentially be far more dangerous than regular weed.
Since dabs are so much stronger than marijuana, they can cause far more serious adverse effects to your physical and mental health, including: 2. Dabbing is not the same as smoking marijuana.
Due to its higher THC concentration, short- or long-term use of dabs can lead to a much higher chance of becoming addicted or dependent on marijuana. Assessing the dangers of "dabbing": mere marijuana or harmful new trend? Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for VerywellMind.
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We and our partners process data to: Actively scan device characteristics for identification. I Accept Show Purposes. Table of Contents View All. Table of Contents. What Are Dabs? How Dabbing Works. Why Dabbing Is Dangerous. The Different Forms of Marijuana. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Sign Up. What are your concerns? Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Pinner: A long and skinny joint, usually a result of using a rolling machine. Roach: The tail end of a joint, spliff, or blunt. Spliff: Nicotine mixed with marijuana. Twaxing: When one wraps a coil of concentrated wax around a joint or blunt. From our beginners guide to marijuana issue. It's a new era for marijuana in Michigan. Sign up for our weekly weed newsletter, delivered every Tuesday at p.
Tags: One Hitters , marijuana , how to dab , how to smoke marijuana , Cover Story. We welcome readers to submit letters regarding articles and content in Detroit Metro Times.
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View more issues. Local Culture Creative. Switch to the mobile version of this page. Detroit Metro Times. How to smoke, vape, dab, and otherwise get super duper high Everyone's doing it — and now you can, too!
More One Hitters ». A beginners guide to marijuana Curious about cannabis? Here, take a hit of this by Lee DeVito Apr 17, Finding the best marijuana strains for you Are you an Indica or a Sativa? Speaking of Michigan doctor suspended after approving 22, medical marijuana certificates in 12 months Nov 8, Latest in One Hitters Michigan doctor suspended after approving 22, medical marijuana certificates in 12 months Nov 8, More by Jerilyn Jordan Whitmer joins 23 U.
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Clair Shores Greater St. Metro Times P. It can occur with chronic marijuana use, and more specifically, after someone has quit. However, with dabs I have had patients who develop the withdrawal-like symptoms of CHS only after a short exposure.
The equipment used for the extraction process may contain nasty ingredients that will eventually make their way into your system. For example, the metal in the rig utilized to make dabs could have rust and solder in it, which will inevitably end up in your BHO and into your body. Smoking these unknown chemical contaminants could cause health hazards , such as respiratory issues, in the future.
At the end of the day, dabbing can be risky. Sonpal says, adding that more research needs to be done to full understand the effects of THC and other cannabinoids on the body. Sonpal says, which is sound advice no matter the activity. Readers should note that the regulations and data surrounding marijuana, CBD, and other related products are still developing.