The gum is used up at that point. The nicotine from the gum makes its way into your system through the blood vessels that line your mouth. If you chew the gum without parking it, the nicotine will be released directly into the saliva in your mouth and you will swallow it. This may cause a stomachache, hiccups, or heartburn.
Also, it may take longer for the nicotine to get into your bloodstream. Other tips for using nicotine gum Avoid drinking beverages, especially acidic ones such as coffee, juices, and soda pop , for 15 minutes before and after you chew.
Your body may not absorb the nicotine well because of the acid in these drinks. Follow the written instructions that come with the gum for how many pieces you can use per day. Most people use 10 to 15 pieces a day. Do not chew more than 30 pieces of the 2 mg gum or 20 pieces of the 4 mg gum a day. Consider using the other materials provided with the nicotine gum.
These can help you change your smoking behavior. Avoid the common mistakes of chewing too little gum or stopping use too early. Using too little of the gum will result in withdrawal symptoms similar to those caused by abruptly stopping smoking.
As the urge to smoke decreases, use fewer pieces of gum each day. When you are using only 1 or 2 pieces a day, stop using the gum completely. However, you may want to keep some nicotine gum with you in case you find yourself in a potential relapse situation.
It is possible to become dependent on nicotine gum, but this is rare. All rights reserved. Get Coupons. Buy Now. Menu Icon. For Healthcare Professionals. When used properly, Nicorette Gum can help you quit smoking. Getting started. Follow the directions below to get the most out of every piece. Choose a quit date and start using Nicorette Gum on that date. How to chew Nicorette Gum. Stop chewing and park the piece of Nicorette between your cheek and gums.
After about a minute, when the tingling is almost gone, start chewing again. Its purpose is to help you fight your addiction by making the process smoother and easier to sustain. When you start out using nicotine gum, you should keep track of the dates, and work by the following schedule:. If you feel that you are still struggling with nicotine withdrawal symptoms after the 12 week mark, seek help from a medical professional rather than continuing usage.
These symptoms are usually mild. However, if they are affecting your ability to sustain nicotine gum treatment, visit your doctor for further advice.
If you feel that you may have overdosed, seek medical help immediately. Symptoms include:. Ensure all nicotine gum is stored out of reach of children.
Because these products appear similar to regular chewing gum, it can be easy for children to make the mistake of consuming them. If it does, seek medical help immediately. Nicotine gum is a scientifically proven quit smoking aid. As a medicated product, it works to replace the nicotine that people would otherwise get from cigarettes, reducing withdrawal symptoms and therefore decreasing the risk of relapse. Although a very effective treatment, it only addresses the physical aspects of a smoking habit, and should therefore be used in combination with therapies that focus on the psychological factors contributing to your smoking habit.
Nicotine gum is not a permanent solution and should not be abused. It should be used in accordance with recommended guidelines, with the aim of gradually reducing usage over time, until the therapy period has ended and the product is no longer required. Addiction Solutions. A complete guide to nicotine gum For Individuals Published. What is nicotine gum?