Air leaks can waste a lot of your energy dollars. Whether leaks are letting hot air inside during the warmer months or letting in drafts during the cooler season, one of the quickest energy- and money-saving tasks you can do is caulk, seal and weather strip all cracks and large openings to the outside.
Air takes the path of least resistance, so you should aim to seal the big holes first. We've laid out some simple instructions for sealing most of these air leakage pathways -- but if you're sealing heating and cooling ducts, we suggest contacting contractor that's familiar with the different air sealing methods often best done with ductwork. Most caulking compounds come in disposable cartridges that fit in half-barrel caulking guns if possible, purchase one with an automatic release.
Seal of Truth. Fills the Paladin with holy power, causing attacks to apply Censure, which deals additional Holy damage over 15 sec. Censure can stack up to 5 times. Once stacked to 5 each weapon swing from the Paladin will deal additional Holy damage. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing Holy damage to an enemy, increased for each application of Censure on the target.
Seal of Fury. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge the target, causing Holy damage spells cast on that enemy to generate additional threat. Seal of the Crusader. Fills the Paladin with the spirit of the crusader, granting additional attack power and increasing attack speed, though each melee attack will deal less damage.
Seal of Blood. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Quick Facts. Comments Comment by Theyos This seal is seldom used by most paladins, as its damage increase pales compared to the damage offered by both SoR and SoC, also this seal causes you to deal purely physical damage, which has no armour penetration and no additional threat for tanking with 'Righteous Fury' unlike the Holy damage from other damage seals. That being said, this seal is therefore your best damage choice against magic immune mobs.
Another good use is in conjunction with 'Judgements of Light or Wisdom', increasing the speed of procs you can get while simaltaneously doing more damage.
However, the most common use of this Seal is in its Judgement, primarily in PvP, and PvE tanking as what might be described as the Paladin version of a 'Sunder', as it increases high aggro Holy damage done to that target, up to quite significant amounts over time.
However in most short PVP encounters this is seen as a waste of time due to the subtle effect of the debuff. Comment by gambidt with new classic here and not many comments here i wanted to make a clarification. Another thing to point out is that if the weapon is slower than 3. Comment by thux I found two nods to Seal of the Crusader in Shadowlands: The talent Zeal increases auto attack speed after judging.
Comment by Thottbot I just got this seal over the weekend and have been playing with it ever since and find it my seal of choice when tanking even up to three mobs.
With the full 5 applications of this seal, it ticks for Holy damage every few seconds and judges for around and critting for almost Holy damage. On single mobs, such as bosses in instances, you can have 5 applications up in about 15 seconds less if Reckoning procs and can be ready to constantly judge it very quickly.
This means that you can place a Judgement of the Crusader on the mob and STILL be able to have 5 debuffs ticking away and Judging with increased fervor. Or judge Wisdom or Light if needed. Extremely versatile indeed Seal of Vengence synergizes with Reckoning exceptionally well and I see two applications proc with a double swing ALL the time. It's exceedingly easy to place a few procs of Seal of Vengence on one mob and then turn your attention onto another to place a few procs on that one.
With a 12 second window, it's not too difficult to keep the debuff refreshed on ALL of them and I've even had 5 procs on a couple of mobs at once. This mixed with a constant Holy Shield and I don't even need to Consecrate repeatedly. Still, if you are tanking groups of 5 elites or more, I would reccomend sticking with Seal of Righteousness. The added Holy damage is guaranteed and easy to apply with Reckoning constantly up to every mob you're tanking.
Consecration and Holy Shield and you're all but guaranteed that every mob is on you and you only. Comment by Thottbot This seal is currently bugged. Comment by Thottbot I've heard a lot of people say that SoR is better, but heres the thing. If your raiding with a lot of pallies, this seal can be one of the greatest attacks you can have in your arsenal. Obviously it only stacks 5 times, but there are two things that make this spell unbelievable.
The first thing is that Any pally can work off of it. And heres the kicker. The DOT won't fade! If you wait a while it eventually goes away, but If someone imedately recasts the seal and gets another hit off, the DOT stays on, so technically you have the stacks from the seal ticking, plus your judgements of Vengence.
Malzinka - 70 Paladin - Arthas. Comment by Thottbot i can only make 1 little comment on this spell: Reckoning Comment by Thottbot ok this is how it works: you use the seal and when it procs every 3 hits or so you give the enemy a DoT over 12 sec. If you prot again during the next 12s you refresh the duration and stack another on there.
You can stack up to 5 times. When you have 5 on, and proc, you dont stack another, but refresh the duration.
When you use judgment you do damage per aplication, but you do not use up the DoT on the target, so you can judge multiple times as long as you use the seal again to refresh the DoT. Both the seal and the judgement are affected by judgement of the crusader. I do about per 3 seconds over 12 sec with 5 applications and a further or so per 8 sec the judgement you can keep this going as long as the mana hold out. All in all not bad dagame when you get it, but i dont think there's a rank two, so the next rank of seal of righteosness MAY be better.
I dont know, i dont have it yet. Hope that answers some questions. Comment by Thottbot Being a level 65 human paladin at the moment and tryin' this seal out in both PvP and PvE, I can say that it rocks! It ticks for about - and judges for about - That's like a crit SoR for me lol. Though, I know it can go WAY higher.
This seal does not go off too often with a fast weapon though, so make sure it's something like 2. Proced almost every time with that speed. In PvP, I can kill a warrior in seconds with this, can make a rogue's life worse and I can out tank anything in PvE as well. Not imagining, just tellin' yah what I have seen, lol. Also, CS should not refresh the effect. It's not a judgement