This is not surprising. The putamen could also be involved in the preparation of aggressive acts in a romantic context, as in situations when a rival presents a danger," Professor Zeki said. One major difference between love and hate appears to be in the fact that large parts of the cerebral cortex — associated with judgement and reasoning — become de-activated during love, whereas only a small area is deactivated in hate.
But whereas in romantic love, the lover is often less critical and judgemental regarding the loved person, it is more likely that in the context of hate the hater may want to exercise judgement in calculating moves to harm, injure or otherwise exact revenge," Professor Zeki said. This finding may have implications in criminal cases.
Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. However, there are three limitations to this study. First, even though we emphasized that the protagonist would be described in three different relationships in different periods of life, this manipulation could not guarantee that participants could generate independent feelings of love for the three target persons.
In our future research, we may explore whether relationship status predicts feelings of love and hate using this experimental paradigm. Third, the findings of the current study were also limited by the manipulation of similarity between the participants and the three targets.
The use of vignettes meant that the manipulation of similarity might have partly depended on how well the participants were able to imagine themselves as the protagonist in the vignettes. In addition, people have different emotional reactions toward different people in the context of romantic love and hate. For the person whom one loves or hates the most, love may still be dominant in the context of betrayal.
However, for the person one does not love, feelings of hatred are stronger than those of love. This study also provided support for the relationship between romantic love and hate, and highlighted the important role of similarity in moderating the relationship between love and hate.
Each participant volunteered to take part in this study and provided written informed consent before the start of the experiment. WJ: study design, data collection, data analysis, and paper writing. YX and ML: study design and paper writing. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Alford, C. Google Scholar. Aron, A. Reward, motivation, and emotion systems associated with early-stage intense romantic love.
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Skolnick, A. Sober, E. Hurlbut London: Oxford University Press , 17— Sternberg, R. Take our compassionate love quiz. In our laboratory study, couples talked about a source of conflict in their relationship. In other words, relationships can survive conflict and bad feelings if partners never stop feeling seen by the other.
Is it just that people are better able to find a solution to their problem if they understand each other? Understanding does aid in conflict resolution, but it turns out that understanding can even help those fights that will never be resolved. Those issues may stem from political, religious, or personality differences, or maybe just different movie preferences. Whatever their source, understanding can help for those fights, too. In fact, understanding may be most important when you face issues that cannot be easily resolved, such as different religious or political views.
What is it about feeling understood that helps alleviate those negative feelings that typically arise after conflict? We found that when you feel understood, it signals to you that your partner cares about you and is invested in the relationship.
It also makes you feel like your relationship is strong and worth fighting for. And in the end, feeling understood, especially when your partner has a different opinion than you, just feels good, plain and simple. So how do you increase understanding during conflict? Here are seven suggestions for how to think and act to do so.
Amie M. Gordon, Ph. Become a subscribing member today. Scroll To Top Have you ever hated your partner? Letting Go of Anger through Compassion To foster resilience, think about a hurtful event in a different way. Try It Now. Get the science of a meaningful life delivered to your inbox. About the Author. By Amie M.