Learn more about our guidelines Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. Newest First. Violation Reported. Katherine - Kate, Katie, Cathy and my personal fav, Kit. ProseccoandPurls, Josephine is a really pretty name. I like the nicknames for it too. Kathryn is also nice. I should have said exactly what you typed - classic, long, good nicknames. Althea or just Thea. Your Guide to the First Trimester of Pregnancy. Your Guide to the Second Trimester of Pregnancy.
In Baby Names middle name lawrence need a first! Latest: 4 years ago jkmck. WTE Must Reads. Thea is a mythological name in its own right but it also can be short for Theodora , Dorothea , and onward to Anthea , Althea , Galathea , Timothea -- any Thea-related name. Though it has ranked in the U. News U. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Special Projects Highline. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Follow Us. Terms Privacy Policy. Part of HuffPost Parenting. All rights reserved. Suggest a correction.
Now What? Try 'Habit Stacking. Oklahoma Gov. Fun Fact : Hector is one of the main characters in the award-winning Pixar Studios animated film Coco. Fun Fact : Homer Simpson is one of most well-known television cartoon characters from the long-running animated television series The Simpsons.
Fun Fact : In chemistry, an ion is a molecule or atom that has an electrical charge. Fun Fact : Jason is the name of a remote-control robot that can examine and take pictures of the ocean floor.
Jason Jr. It is the home of The Douglas Mansion which is now a museum. Fun Fact : The story of Leander of Hero from Greek mythology has been an inspiration for many pieces of literature and art. Fun Fact : Luke Skywalker is the lead character and a powerful Jedi in the extremely popular and successful Star Wars films.
Fun Fact : Myron of Eleutherae was a Greek sculptor during the classical period. One of his most famous pieces is the Discus Thrower called The Discobolus. Fun Fact : Orion is a constellation of stars in the night sky. Fun Fact : Pierce is a manufacturing company in Wisconsin that makes fire trucks and other fire apparatus for many fire departments in the United States and around the world.
Fun Fact : A phoenix is a legendary bird. However, it is immortal, so it rises from the ashes as is born again. Fun Fact : Socrates was a philosopher during the classical period in Ancient Greece. He is considered the father of modern Western thought or philosophy.
Fun Fact : Stavros Reservation is a nature preserve in Massachusetts where you can enjoy hiking, bird watching, and scenic views of the salt marsh, Crane Beach, and the Crane Wildlife Refuge. Fun Fact : Timothy is a type of cat-tail grass and hay that is used to feed cattle, horses, and sheep.
Fun Fact : Xander Harris is one of the main characters, a best friend, and a sidekick to Buffy in the supernatural television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Get diet and wellness tips to help your kids stay healthy and happy. Social Security Administration. Popularity of name. Updated Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for VerywellFamily. At any time, you can update your settings through the "EU Privacy" link at the bottom of any page. These choices will be signaled globally to our partners and will not affect browsing data.
We and our partners process data to: Actively scan device characteristics for identification. I Accept Show Purposes. Poll created: Jan 13, Teddy is cute, but sounds young. I am not fond of Theodora, but Teodora I like. Just a thought Thea or Tea make nice full name choices. Teddy is a little odd on its own. My two daughters are nicknamed Cricket and Bear. Their names are Caroline an Isabelle. If you need it to correlate somehow, try something like Claire.
I like it! Absolutely not! What about when she is a grown woman who wants a career? How many 50 year old are adorable? She is going to grow up and needs a name to grow with her, she would look ridiculous otherwise and certainly be held back in life by this name.
And in 40 years, how many fifty-year-olds will be named Nevaeh and Aidan? Times, and name trends, change. That said, poll poster, I do think that Teddy would be best suited as a nickname. Thea Emmeline would be absolutely gorgeous. I love the name for a girl! I have been thinking of girls names myself lately and I am calling her teddie!
I love it! Especially if it means gods gift because its so beautiful! Good luck! Teddy for a boy or girl is a great name love it for both my favorite if it were a girl I would name her Teddie Rae. Teddy is a beautiful name. To those of you who think it will affect a womans career, I have a friend named Teddy and she has no problem gaining respect.
It lies in what you teach her, not what you name her.