Home Create content Work with the New content editor Work with the classic text editor Undo, redo, and other shortcut key functions. Undo, redo, and other shortcut key functions The following are functions that are not displayed as buttons in the toolbar of the text editor, but you can use them with their shortcut key combinations.
You can reverse more than one action. You can reverse more than one action that has been undone. You can use Redo command only after Undo command. Full screen F11 To view the text editor in full screen mode, press F To exit the full screen mode, press F11 again.
Want to learn more? Was this article helpful? Yes No. It's simple to remember where they are, and you'll build up muscle memory if they're close. You'll do it even if they aren't, but if they're adjacent, it helps. Eventually, when Mac and Windows word processors and other applications started offering Undo as a feature, putting them together still makes a kind of conceptual sense: these are basic document editing features which work the same way across even very different applications "Undo" is undo in Word, or Adobe Illustrator, for example, even if the content types are wildly different.
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Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 5 months ago. Active 8 months ago. If you can't undo an action, the Undo command is dimmed. Advanced: Modify the undo limit. Or, click Undo in the upper-left corner of the ribbon.
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Can you help us improve? Every time you make a change to you document, that change panel pane is logged in the History panel. You can revert your document to a previous state by selecting a pane.
This will affectively undo all your changes undo you get to that document state. You can also redo again by selecting a more recent pane and the document will jump to a more recent state.
Most documents will save a limited amount of history steps, typically