I am telling the truth, honestly! I am as honest as the day is long! Besides, I am a terrible liar, everyone can see when I am lying - my lips are moving. Like most other subs, I have a Referral Link.
Clicking it gets you some stuff, and me some stuff too. Rolodome She's the wise old person who gives sage advice and never quite seems to be fully in touch with reality, like she's got one foot in the spirit world. But I'd almost say it's an unwritten storytelling rule though I hate to use the word "rule" Imagine Luke flirting with Yoda on Dagobah. And Yoda's all like, "Gosh, it's nice to get close to you, Luke. Living out in this swamp for ages, I've been.
Nearly given up hope. Figure you'll probably fail, I do, but what else is there to try. Emperor is too strong, made me look like fool in Episode 3. Spend our remaining years together, I recommend. Mmm, hm hm hm. SteveTheCynic Quote: Originally Posted by Rolodome. Something you find difficult is a lesson on how to play better, not a punishment for playing badly. The Jedi then vaulted across the battlefield, destroying an Imperial war droid and eliminating four Sith in the process before engaging Malgus in a fierce duel.
After a series of blows, Shan was forced to her knees as she tried to hold back Malgus's blade, though she reached out with the Force and brought down a nearby tree to grant herself a reprieve. The two then continued their duel atop the fallen tree branch before Malgus threw her against another tree trunk with the Force, and Shan was barely able to somersault over the Sith Lord's head before Malgus buried his lightsaber in the tree where she had been moments earlier.
However, Malgus quickly spun and sliced her double-bladed saber in two before she could spin it and attack, and he immediately followed up with a stab directly at her chest. The energy of the lightsaber used by Malgus was which absorbed by Shan, who blocked the attack with her bare hands. Malgus's attack was interrupted when Malcom charged the Sith Lord with a ferocious yell, catching him about the waist and engaging in a short fistfight before revealing the primed thermal detonator in his hand.
The explosion threw the commando backward out of the clearing, though a scarred Malgus was able to withstand most of the explosion with the Force. Yet before the Sith Lord could pursue either Shan or Malcom, Shan gathered the Force likely from the energy previously absorbed through tutaminis and unleashed a powerful blast that sent Malgus flying into a nearby cliff side.
The Sith Lord continued to fight against her power as she pinned him against the cliff, and Shan gathered her strength into a second and more powerful blast that tore the entire cliff to pieces. With her enemy buried under tons of rubble, Shan joined an injured Malcom in surveying the battlefield, and the commando sent up a flare to signal victory, one of many that began to light the surface of Alderaan as the reinforcements Shan had requested arrived in the system.
Malcom was given kolto treatments to deal with his injuries, the most prominent of which left him with a permanently scarred face. Shan visited him later while the Republic forces were celebrating their victory, and she informed Malcom of the vision that had brought her to his aid. In response to Malcom's questions about Malgus, Shan confided in him her belief that the Sith Lord had survived the battle.
Malcom then reminded Shan of his feelings for her, and her attempts to remind the soldier of her vows as a Jedi were not enough to suppress the feelings she had for him in return. Succumbing to her emotions, she and Malcom entered into a secret relationship—one that led to her becoming pregnant around six months after the Battle of Alderaan, not long after Malcom had been promoted to the rank of general. Their conversation revealed that Malcom's hatred of the Empire was his driving force, and Shan was forced to confront the possibility that she would turn to the dark side if the Empire caused Malcom's death.
That fear, and the fear of the darkness within Malcom's spirit, drove Shan to break off their relationship and make plans to give up her child—as she understood that having them in her life put the Republic at risk.
For the next few months, Shan continued to serve on the front lines as one of the Republic's greatest heroes, inspiring the rank and file of the Republic Military to victory on battlefields across the galaxy. However, as her pregnancy advanced and her Jedi robes were no longer able to conceal the signs, Shan went to her first Master, Ngani Zho, and told him of her pregnancy—but not of the father's name. Zho did not question her story and immediately agreed to help, approaching the Jedi Council and the Republic Military's leaders with the story that he had sent her on a vital and clandestine mission.
Shan bore her son with Zho's help on a planet far from the war, and Zho took her child to raise on his own as per their agreement—but not before she named her son Theron. A year later, in BBY , Shan was assigned to a Republic Navy contingent tasked with protecting a fleet of prototype warships that were being gathered for an attack on the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas. However, the fleet was ambushed in the Outer Rim Territories by the Imperial Navy , sparking a week -long battle that crossed several star systems before reaching its peak in the Hoth system.
Hundreds of vessels on both sides met their end during the conflict, and Shan was aboard one of the few Republic ships that managed to escape destruction.
Shan witnessed the riots that broke out across the capital in response to the supply shortage caused by the blockade , and she was dismayed to see the turmoil only worsen after the Jedi failed to break the blockade near Devaron.
As the war neared the end of its third decade , Shan joined Jaric Kaedan , Bela Kiwiiks , and Syo Bakarn —all former apprentices of Ngani Zho like herself—in leading the men of the 45th Battalion and other Republic troopers in a counterattack on the icy planet of Rhen Var. Between the four of them, the Jedi had fought previously on battlefields such as a conflict with Gelpog the Tyrant and a battle on the Ash Plains of Lenico IV , and the four led the Republic forces in a charge that brought them within reach of the fortress of Darth Mekhis , a member of the Empire's Dark Council.
Breaking open the door to Mekhis's chamber with the Force, she asked the Sith Lord to surrender and offered protection in exchange. However, Mekhis refused, and the two began a fierce duel that resulted in Mekhis being grievously injured before she escaped. As a gesture of good faith, the Empire withdrew its forces from the Minos Cluster, and the Galactic Senate agreed to peace negotiations on Alderaan. At that moment, Shan's suspicions were being proven correct—an Imperial fleet under the command of Darth Angral was approaching Coruscant, and it began attacking the Republic capital the moment that Darth Malgus and his strike force brought down the planet's defense grid within the Jedi Temple.
Supreme Chancellor Berooken contacted Am-Ris and attempted to warn him of the Sith's treachery, but the entire conference room was forced to watch as Angral stormed the Chancellor's office and executed the Mon Calamari.
Realizing that the Sith had resorted to treachery, Shan drew her saber and charged the Empire's emissary, Darth Baras. Baras blocked her strike with his own blade and cautioned her to restrain herself before explaining to Am-Ris that the peace talks would proceed as planned—only the Republic would have to agree to the Empire's terms while the Imperials held their capital hostage.
At Dar'Nala's urging, Shan reluctantly disengaged and exited the room with the rest of the Republic delegation [2] —only to find Leneer embroiled in a fight with the two Sith members of the Empire delegation who had been waiting outside.
Dar'Nala's voice quickly brought the fight to a halt, but Shan was barely able to stop Am-Ris from attacking Baras when the Sith Lord goaded the Republic delegates with reminders that they were there to discuss peace. After departing the hall, Dar'Nala took command of the group and ordered Shan to set up a secure link communication to Grand Master Zym.
While waiting for the Grand Master to answer and wondering if he was still alive, the group discussed the unknown situation on Coruscant, and Leneer revealed that her empathic bond with her Master, Ven Zallow , had caused her to sense Zallow's death during the attack on the Temple.
Despite Dar'Nala's feelings on the matter, she complied with the Grand Master's request, and Shan begrudgingly apologized to the Sith Lord the following day.
In the days following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and the battle that became known as the Sacking of Coruscant, Republic forces were ordered to withdraw from every battlefield across the galaxy , and Zym sent both Shan and Dar'Nala to enforce the withdrawal on Dantooine.
The two were aboard the Republic ship Envoy in the Kuat sector , conversing in their suite, when Dar'Nala detected an eavesdropper outside in the hall—the Imperial protocol droid SP , which had been assigned to the vessel in order to ensure the fulfillment of the Treaty's terms.
The Togruta Jedi Master then departed for the bridge in anger as Shan settled down to sleep. Shan was still in her room [2] when Dar'Nala arranged for the Envoy to attack a passing Imperial transport , as part of a plan to dismantle the Treaty and restart the war. Quickly dispatching the attackers and ignoring SP's protests, the Jedi raced to find Dar'Nala, only to witness her capture by several Imperials.
The Togruta ordered her former student to run and warn the Council, and Shan raced to an escape pod with SP before the Imperials could capture her as well. A Mandalorian raider vessel bound for the Geonosis slave markets eventually found the escape pod in the Barma sector , but a Rendaran -class assault shuttle piloted by Jedi Master Orgus Din and Lieutenant Harron Tavus located the pod's distress signal and destroyed the slavers before they could capture Shan. The Jedi Knight told them her story immediately upon being rescued, and Din decided that Zym needed to be alerted right away.
Tavus laughed down Shan's argument that they should also rescue Dar'Nala, but Din agreed that they did need more information on the attack before they could make a judgment. They contacted the Grand Master from their ship, but Shan was dismayed to learn that an intercepted Imperial transmission had reported that Dar'Nala was dead.
Saddened by the loss of her former Master, Shan accompanied the two on their original mission to enforce the ceasefire on the nearby planet Balmorra , where Din forced his former student Fortris Gall to withdraw from the battlefield. After completing their mission on Balmorra, they prepared to go to Dantooine, but Shan's request to lead the mission was turned down by Din, who was planning to remain on Balmorra while Gall and Tavus went to Dantooine with Shan.
As they were traveling through the Raioballo sector , Tavus approached Shan with the possibility of starting a romantic relationship, but Shan reminded the lieutenant of her vows as a Jedi. Their conversation was interrupted by SP, who reported their arrival at Dantooine, and Tavus informed Shan that the offer still stood if she changed her mind. With the Treaty of Coruscant crumbling under the strain of recent events, Am-Ris reiterated his order to withdraw to Dael and ended the holotransmission with the hope that Shan and Tavus would succeed in convincing the major to heed the orders.
To Shan's surprise, Tavus did not object to Dael's refusal, and the lieutenant decided to return to their ship until Shan came to her senses and realized that the Treaty was not worth protecting.
Despite Tavus's departure, Shan remained committed to the mission, and she stayed behind to speak with Dael. A little while later, Din arrived on Dantooine with the bounty hunter Braden , whom he had captured on Nar Shaddaa.
Upon learning Shan's name, Braden delivered the message that Dar'Nala had tasked him with before her death—Dar'Nala believed that the Treaty was being sabotaged by Darth Baras. This confused Shan, who had sensed that Baras was more committed to the Treaty than Dar'Nala had been on Alderaan, and she returned to the ship to find Tavus.
To her surprise, Shan found only a heavily damaged SP, as Tavus had shot the droid after discovering it spying on him. The protocol droid was barely able to communicate before losing power that Tavus had gone to the ruins of the Jedi Enclave , and Din called Shan just then to report that Braden had escaped.
Din ordered her to remain there until he arrived, but Shan decided to pursue Tavus herself and set off for the Enclave. Following the Force, Shan entered the Crystal Cave near the Enclave to find a fierce firefight in progress. Surprised to see her former teacher alive, Shan nonetheless joined the Togruta in her fight against Baras. Baras revealed that one of the Treaty's purposes was to show the Jedi their own hypocrisy and hatred of the Sith, and Dar'Nala proved his point by admitting that she had been behind both the attack on the Envoy and the Senate bombing.
Baras then tried to convince Shan to join the Sith, claiming that she belonged on the other side of the war—but Shan broke away, realizing that the Sith were manipulating her and the others to continue the war. Calling out to Tavus, who had pinned an unarmed Angral to the ground and was preparing to execute him, she warned him to stop.
An enraged Dar'Nala leaped at the soldier when he refused to kill the Sith, and she knocked aside Gall when the confused Jedi blocked her attack.
The fallen Jedi Master ordered Dalborra, who was under her mental control, to kill Gall, but the Wookiee instead broke free of her thrall and slew Dar'Nala with a single blow to the head.
Shan rushed to Dar'Nala's side as Dalborra fled the cave, and Angral took advantage of his opponents' distraction to summon his lightsaber back to his hand and throw Tavus across the cave with the Force.
The Sith prepared to continue their battle, but Shan held back her allies and informed Angral that their fight was ended. Baras agreed with Shan and departed with his fellow Sith but not before warning the Jedi Knight that Sith was in her heritage—the dark side was the destiny of all the heirs of Revan.
Returning to the surface, the trio explained what had transpired in the caves to Din, though none of the three mentioned many details or explained Dar'Nala's role in the recent events. Din was suspicious but satisfied, and he accepted their story on account of their promise that the Treaty would not be disrupted any further. Not long after the events on Dantooine, Shan embarked on a journey across the galaxy, exploring new worlds and making new allies as she followed the call of the Force that she felt through deep meditation.
During this period, she ended the Eberon—Kashyyyk War and had made an enemy of an individual named Thresh-ahantu Azuloz. In light of the news, the Council decided that the Order would move its headquarters to Tython. After meditating on the matter, Shan decided that Oteg would play a pivotal role in the upcoming conflict, and she agreed to Janarus's request.
Sensing her Padawan's disappointment and conflicted emotions, she told him to take a walk while she went to her meeting.
However, Konshi soon found himself caught up in a firefight with an armored Mandalorian named Dao Stryver. Stryver escaped despite the efforts of Konshi and the Republic trooper Larin Moxla , but Moxla had learned that Stryver was seeking something called the Cinzia and a person named Lema Xandret. Konshi immediately reported these events to his Master, who relayed them to the Supreme Commander before contacting Tython regarding her earlier meeting.
She later met with Konshi near the Galactic Justice Center , where she gave her apprentice all of the information that the Republic Strategic Information Service had gathered on the Cinzia and Xandret—the Cinzia was a ship that the Hutt Tassaa Bareesh was offering for auction, and Xandret was somehow involved in the ship's history. Sensing that Konshi had set something in motion, the Grand Master decided to send her apprentice and Moxla to Nal Hutta to investigate the auction.
Konshi's mission uncovered the existence of droids known as hexes , combat droids that the Cinzia had been carrying, and Bareesh's auction collapsed when the droids were released and began to wreak havoc. Shan was troubled by two aspects of her apprentice's report: The droids were adaptable in combat, and a Sith apprentice named Eldon Ax had been present at Tassaa Bareesh's palace during the fighting. As Konshi was planning to use his psychometry to track the source of the hexes, Shan gathered a Republic task force and traveled to a rendezvous at the planet Honoghr.
Using his powers, Shan's apprentice tracked the hexes to a planet named Sebaddon , which was located near a black hole , well above the galactic disk. Shan soon followed them to the Sebaddon system aboard the Corellia , a cruiser among the Republic flotilla under the command of Colonel Gurin. Shan attempted to contact Xandret's Sebaddon colonists three times before receiving a response—a woman's voice, saying they did not recognize the Republic's authority and that they wanted only to be left alone.
As the conversation continued, Sebaddon launched eight missiles at the Republic fleet, and the Republic was only able to destroy seven of them before they hit the Corellia. To the Republic's dismay, the missiles were actually composed of thousands of hexes, and the "destroyed" projectiles quickly took control of several Republic vessels. The section of the Corellia in which Shan had been in was largely intact, and the Grand Master was able to seal herself within a pressurized section of the ship.
She reached out to her Padawan to convey her situation, and Konshi used one of the Auriga Fire ' s enviro-suits to reach her. While waiting for Konshi to find her, the Grand Master encountered nine hexes, but she was able to influence a biological component in them to halt their aggression.
However, she was unable to make the hexes leave, which forced her Padawan to walk carefully through the hexes to let the Grand Master out.
Shan used a Force shield to keep the air around her while Konshi cut them a path out of the ship's wreckage. After Konshi rescued Shan, the Mandalorian Stryver contacted the Auriga Fire with instructions to meet him on a nearby moon.
Darth Chratis and Shan exchanged apprentices for the mission to Sebaddon's surface. Shan and Konshi met with Stryver on the First Blood , his personal ship, and they were surprised to encounter the Sith apprentice from Nal Hutta there as well. Stryver explained that the hexes' creator, Lema Xandret, had originally approached the Mandalorians with her droids in hopes of forming an alliance to bring down the Sith Empire.
Xandret's droids had intrigued Mandalore the Vindicated , but the Mandalorians soon realized that the hexes were, in fact, a galactic plague—Xandret had lost control of her droids not long after she contacted the Mandalorians, and the droids' drive to consume and their incredible replication speed would allow them to destroy the entire galaxy within a matter of years.
That was the reason that Stryver had called the Empire and the Republic to Sebaddon: Only together could the two galactic powers destroy the scourge of the hexes and ensure the galaxy's safety.
Though both sides initially objected to such an alliance, they eventually agreed to a temporary cessation of hostilities in order to eliminate the hexes. As part of the joint assault, Shan led a strike team to destroy the hexes' coordinating intelligence while another team led by Moxla took out the main factory.
Despite her apprehensions, Shan accepted the demands of Darth Chratis —the Sith Lord in command of the Imperial force—that she would take his apprentice with her while he took Konshi on his own mission. As the battle began, Shan and the rest of the allied forces dropped onto Sebaddon's surface using jet-chutes , though she soon began to tail Eldon Ax in order to speak with Chratis's apprentice.
Once the allied troopers found an entrance to the coordinating intelligence's complex , the Grand Master led the charge into the facility, destroying hundreds of hexes with both the Force and her lightsaber.
Yet the joint task force soon realized that it was unable to penetrate the complex's main structure to reach its target, so Shan had her allies withdraw so that something else could do the work for them—a crippled transport was heading straight for the complex. The transport breached a subterranean mining complex beneath the facility, but an explosion of what seemed to be lava consumed both Shan and Ax before they could get out of the way.
To their surprise, the two discovered that it was not lava; it was a lake of warm, reddish fluid that concealed an Imperial vessel far beneath its surface. Shan and Ax boarded the ship to find a massive glass tank containing the same red fluid in one of the vessel's compartments, and they soon realized that the fluid was some kind of organic material that gave the hexes a semblance of life—and that the tank contained a clone of Eldon Ax.
The clone explained to Shan that Eldon Ax was actually Xandret's daughter, a fact that the Sith apprentice had concealed, and that the fluid in which she was submerged was suppressing her Force powers.
Further conversation with the clone revealed that Xandret had infused the droids with her own intelligence, but the remnant of Xandret within the fluid killed the clone when she tried to shut down the hex droids. With her dying words, the clone instructed Ax on how to take control of the hexes, and Shan and Ax returned to the surface to test whether it would work. Ax's control of the hexes allowed her to end the battle in a matter of minutes , and Shan retreated with the rest of the Republic forces as Ax used the hexes to kill her Master before destroying them and ending the threat they posed to the galaxy.
In the aftermath of the conflict, which was labeled Independent Operation Sebaddon , Shan proudly stood by as her Padawan was deemed ready for the Jedi Trials and returned to Tython with her student so that he could become a Jedi Knight.
Sometime after returning to Tython, the Grand Master and the rest of the Council were involved in a recent conflict with the Twi'lek Pilgrims of Kalikori village. However, Kalikori's resentment of the Jedi reached a peak when the villager Nalen Raloch was seduced to the dark side and driven insane by the Force ghost of Rajivari , one of the founders of the Jedi Order and the instigator of the Force Wars , which had ravaged Tython over 20, years earlier.
Taking the Padawan's advice into account, Shan and the rest of the Council began making overtures to Kalikori in an attempt to heal the rift between the villagers and the Jedi, and Raloch was taken in for Jedi training. Par's student was also elevated to a full Jedi of the Order, but Par herself collapsed halfway through the meeting. The Council and the Temple's healers discovered that she was suffering from a kind of sickness, and they decided to send her and her former Padawan to Coruscant in hopes that Jedi artifacts from the ruined Temple could aid Par's seemingly untreatable illness.
Another conflict eventually arose on Tython—this one involving the Flesh Raiders. When the Flesh Raiders invaded the Tythonian Gnarls region and attacked the Jedi outpost there, the Jedi were able to repel the natives' attack, but the assault ended when a young initiate defeated the Dark Jedi Callef , who was commanding the Flesh Raiders. Master Din sealed the cave that the Flesh Raiders were using to enter the Gnarls and ordered the apprentice to meet him at the Jedi Temple, but Shan learned of what had transpired in the Gnarls and contacted the student as the young Jedi arrived at the Temple.
She asked the learner to meet her within her private chambers before the Council meeting, and she discussed the Jedi Code and the dangers of emotions with the student briefly before going to the Council chambers.
In the meeting, Shan and the few Masters present were surprised when Din announced his intention to take on the apprentice who defeated Callef as his own Padawan, the first he had taught since his previous student, Bengel Morr , who was believed to have been killed in the Sacking of Coruscant a decade earlier. After the Padawan defeated Morr in battle and rescued Din, who had been betrayed by the villagers of Kalikori and captured by Morr, Shan and the rest of the Council elevated the student to the rank of Jedi Knight.
When the Grand Master asked for the newly promoted Knight's opinion on what should be done about the villagers, the young Jedi believed that the Order needed to openly aid the Twi'lek villagers so that Kalikori would not turn on them again. The meeting was interrupted by a priority call from Kiwiiks, who confirmed their suspicions that something malevolent was working on the capital, and Shan decided to send both Din and his former student to assist her.
The Grand Master then accompanied a Republic Military convoy who was ferrying a high-level Imperial defector, codenamed the General. However, the convoy was ambushed by the Imperial Navy, forcing Shan to send the general ahead aboard the Thranta -class corvette Brentaal Star while her fleet fought off the attack.
By the time Shan and the sixteen remaining vessels of her convoy were able to disengage from their attackers—crippling three Imperial dreadnaughts in the process—an Imperial strike team was preparing to board the damaged Brentaal Star and capture the general, and the Grand Master's requests that the Imperials withdraw and respect the Treaty of Coruscant went unheeded.
Shan's convoy raced to the Brentaal Star ' s aid, but by the time she arrived, the Imperials had already eliminated the general, and the Black Talon was long gone. When the Voidstar , a prototype Imperial warship lost during the first war, was rediscovered, Shan commanded the Republic forces that fought for control of the warship.
During that time, the Jedi on Coruscant had uncovered the source of the dark presence—a Sith Lord named Tarnis , who had been posing as a top Republic scientist on the Planet Prison superweapon project—and also learned that Tarnis had stolen files on all of the Republic's weapon projects to give to the Empire. Din, Kiwiiks, and Agent Galen had been dispatched to secure the Republic's offworld facilities, [26] and Din's former student had joined forces with Carsen to defeat Tarnis in the depths of the Jedi Temple before he could turn the Planet Prison against the Republic capital.
However, the Knight's defeat of Tarnis incurred the wrath of his father, Darth Angral, and the elder Sith Lord had promptly declared a personal war against the Republic and the Jedi in order to gain revenge for the death of his son. Din's old friend Var Suthra , the general in charge of the Republic weapon projects, contacted Shan, who authorized the young Knight to work with Suthra to stop Angral's crusade. Shan also assigned Carsen as the Knight's own Padawan in the absence of Kiwiiks, and she wished the young Jedi luck as the two departed for Ord Mantell with their astromech droid ally, T7-O1.
Grand Master Shan communicated via hologram with those who answered her summons and came to Carrick Station.
Shan had also begun working with the Republic Emergency Response Corps to deal with crises across the galaxy that threatened the fragile peace, and a situation in the Outer Rim came to her attention. The Advozse Hegemony , a xenophobic political faction of the Advozsec people, had acquired a prototype battle station codenamed " Hammer " that used asteroids to bombard planetary surfaces.
The station had been designed during the Great War but scuttled when the project's destructive potential was fully understood, and the prototype was set on autopilot to collide with a nearby white dwarf.
However, a mechanical failure shut off the station's engines before it was destroyed, and the Hegemony had discovered it several months before. The station was brought to the Republic's attention when the Hegemony bombarded the capital city of the planet Skine after it refused to surrender, and Shan put out a call to as many Jedi and Republic heroes as were available.
Gathering a small strike team aboard the Republic's staging area of Carrick Station , the Grand Master briefed the team on the situation and dispatched it to infiltrate the Hammer above Saleucami. However, Darth Malgus, Shan's opposite number in the Empire, had gathered a strike team to destroy the station at the same time, and only one of the two teams was successful in their attack on the station.
He opens his remarks to the Inquisitor with a compliment. Before the Inquisitor is sent to House Rist, the House of Assassins, Urtel will meet with the player alone for a few minutes, and a [FLIRT] option will have them head off to his very comfortable rooms nearby, with some food, wine, and enthusiastic kiss, and private time together.
Unfortunately, Urtel is mortally wounded, and the romance can not be continued. Interestingly, Urtel can show up during the Voss storyline, as part of a vision, where he will tells the Inqusitior he loves them, then tries to kill the Inqusitor.
Videos: Urtel Moren brief romance, ending and vision on voss. Romanceable by: Smuggler female characters. About: Corso Riggs is a cheerful, disarmingly optimistic mercenary soldier. In addition to his gung-ho enjoyment of a good, dirty fight and his encyclopedic knowledge of weapons, Corso remains a ray of sunshine in even the worst circumstances. How to start romance: The female Smuggler can romance Corso Riggs during the Smuggler story as well as the companion conversations with him.
The player will reunite with both Risha and Corso, and the player can invite one or both of them to join the alliance crew. Breaking up with Corso will lead him to be sad but understanding and keep him in the alliance and part of your crew.
Videos: Corso Riggs original romance , Corso Riggs romance reunion all answers and breakup. Romanceable by: Smuggler male characters. About: Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crime lord Nok Drayen.
Wise and experienced beyond her years, she has led an adventurous life containing some extremely dark chapters. Despite her biting sarcasm and general selfishness, one can never shake the feeling that Risha would be a better person if only she knew how. How to start romance: The male Smuggler can romance Risha during the Smuggler story as well as the companion conversations with her. Afterwards, Risha will confront the player about abandoning her.
Romance conflict: If the smuggler attempts to romance Risha and Akaaavi, his companions, eventually both Akaavi and Risha will confront him together and demand he chooses. If the player reaches this conversation, and does not specifically choose Akaavi or Risha, Risha will walk out disgusted and the player will remain with Akaavi. This cutscene can be triggered in two different ways — either spending some private time with Risha or spending private time with Akaavi, and the two cutscenes are different.
About: Akaavi Spar was born into a respected Mandalorian clan and became one of its finest warriors. She killed her first foe—an abusive Abyssin mercenary—at the age of eight using an improvised flamethrower. Akaavi captured and killed all manner of targets in her youth, from career criminals to Jedi. When her entire clan was framed for crimes against the Empire and executed, Akaavi alone survived the brutal purge — but her outlook on the galaxy changed forever.
With no connection to her Mandalorian heritage, she became a wandering mercenary loyal to no one. How to start romance: The male Smuggler can romance Akaavi during the Smuggler story as well as the companion conversations with her. The player will reunite with both Mako and Akaavi as a team. Akaavi will ask the player if they still love her. Akaavi will then ask if Mako can also join the crew, but the player can not truly refuse. If the player chooses to break up, Akaavi says she would have waited a life time, but asks to still be a part of the crew along with Mako, and the player can not refuse.
But you add darasuum, forever, and it becomes something rather different. They will meet up again later on Quesh, but Beryl is not interested in reigniting their romance. Sadly, the mission does not pan out, and the agent and Beryl are not able to run off together so the Agent leaves her behind on Rishi.
How to start single-planet romance: On Alderaan, the Smuggler will visit the Teraans with a droid. Her romance is quite long for being a single-planet romance, and Cedonia arranges a special meal in the parlor and invites the Smuggler for some private time afterwards.
Unfortunately, Cedonia will not run off with the Smuggler due to her ties on Alderaan. Later, the Smuggler will return to Alderaan for a duel, but she does not want to continue her romance then. The female smuggler can romance her brother. Videos: Cedonia Teraan Romance. How to start single-planet romance: During the Smuggler storyline, the player will rescue Senator Dodonna, and a [FLIRT] option will show up, and if the player chooses it, the Senator will invite the Smuggler for some private time and give the Smuggler a kiss.
The romance can not be continued later. Videos: Alilia flirts , The full Hoth story. This romance can not be continued as the smuggler breaks it off with her, lies to her and abandons her, or dumps her.
Videos: Azalie romance and confrontation. Romanceable by: Smuggler male characters possibly female? How to start single-planet romance: On Tatooine, the Smuggler will speak with the Sith Vaverone Zare, while trying to get a meeting with Diago. In return for help, Vaverone will offer the pleasure of her company.
Afterwards, Vaverone concludes her business and leaves, and the romance can not be continued. Fun fact, you get a mail later after collaborating with her and she becomes Darth Allures. How to start single-planet romance: On Belsavis, the Smuggler can romance Marshall Cavarat, and the Smuggler can flirt with her throughout the storyline and via holocall.
If I see your face again, expect me to arrest you. Videos: Marshall Cavarat romance. The smuggler can continue to flirt with him via holocall, but he does not seem very receptive. However, when the Smuggler meets with him again in person in a tent, he speaks to the Smuggler about poetry and love, and he will share a romantic poem with the Smuggler, and he tells her that he has a wife. At the end of the Voss story, the Smuggler can instruct Lokir-Ka to return to his wife, or share a kiss and some private time together in a cave.
This romance can not be continued, and the Voss promises he will go to the grave with the memory of their time together. Videos: Skavak flirts while Corso has to go stand in a corner. Later, when the Smuggler completes the mission, Lenn invites the Smuggler for a private dinner with musicians and dancing, and some private time afterwards.
The Smuggler jokingly mentions a marriage proposal and Lenn gets very flustered, and the romance can not be continued later as his family duties are not yet fulfilled, but he says maybe one day they will meet among the stars. The male smuggler can romance his sister.
Videos: Smuggler romances Lenn Teraan in front of Corso. How to start single-planet romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler will speak with Darmas Pollaran, and information broker who plays Sabacc. He invites the Smuggler to his private cantina booth, and there the Smuggler can flirt with him. The player can continue to [FLIRT] with him in later conversations, but later he will betray the Smuggler and the romance can not continue. Videos: Smuggler playlist of romance with Darmas with Corso in the room.
Afterwards, Numen admits that Balmorra is not a good place to drag the Smuggler to, but that they may work in the same circles again in the future. Romanceable by: Trooper female characters. He enlisted in the military at an early age and quickly distinguished himself as a talented marksman.
Since his transfer to Fort Garnik, Jorgan has earned a reputation as a hard and demanding taskmaster. However, few realize his surly demeanor belies a genuine concern for the well-being of his troops. While those under his command may not particularly like the brooding Cathar, they almost always respect him. How to start romance: The Trooper can romance Jorgan during the Trooper story as well as the companion conversations with him. How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Aric Jorgan in Chapter 11 of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.
Romanceable by: Trooper male characters. She has since served with distinction as a search-and-rescue squad leader, earning several commendations for aiding wounded men under direct enemy fire. Her operational record is flawless. How to start romance: The male Trooper can romance Elara during the Trooper story as well as the companion conversations with her. Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Elara Dorne on Iokath, which takes place after the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.
The flirt option will lead to them having drinks in the cantina together, but not a true romance yet. There is a good chance this will lead to future romance down the road. The male Trooper can [FLIRT] with her, and eventually she will invite the Trooper back to her place on Coruscant, where they can spend some time talking together, kiss enthusiastically, then spend some private time together.
They can also spend a second night together. Later in the Trooper story on Station A77, the Trooper must make a very hard choices between saving Jaxo dark side and saving three hundred Republic prisoners light side.
If the player chooses save the prisoners, Jaxo dies and the romance can not be continued. If the Trooper saves Jaxo, they do not share a romance scene when they find her, but she holocalls the Trooper later. Unfortunately, she no longer wants to have a romance due to her guilt, and the romance is not continued even if she is alive.
The female Trooper can instead become good friends with her, and have a ladies night together and hang out with some other female military personnel and do a cantina crawl together. Romance conflict: If the player is in a relationship with Elara Dorne, on the second night they can choose to tell Jaxo about their relationship.
If the trooper tells, Jaxo will send him home. Romanceable by: Bounty Hunter male characters. Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since. How to start romance: The male Bounty Hunter can romance Mako during the Bounty Hunter story as well as the companion conversations with her.
Mako will ask the player if they still feel love for her. Romanceable by: Bounty Hunter female characters. About: It is the Mandalorian ideal that a warrior be judged by his or her own actions, not by those of his or her ancestors—but reality rarely lives up to ideals.
Because of this, Torian adheres to the codes and traditions of the Mandalorians with more devotion than many twice his age. Upholding honor and enduring adversity are the cornerstones of his existence. How to start romance: The Bounty Hunter can romance Torian during the Bounty Hunter story as well as the companion conversations with him.
Later, the Bounty Hunter saves her from another unwanted suitor, and offers to have an affair with her through a [FLIRT] option to make her less desirable. They spend some not-so-private time together strolling around and being seen having an affair, and then share a kiss when they return.
Later, the Bounty Hunter can choose who becomes the Baron of House Girard, and the Bounty Hunter can name her the successor of the house. If the Bounty Hunter chooses her, she will reward him for his services with a kiss and some private time together. Afterwards, she asks the Bounty Hunter to show themself out, but sends them a letter in the mail saying they are welcome back on Alderaan on the future and the letter is signed XOXO.
Videos: Lady Aitalla romance. Later, the Bounty Hunter can choose who becomes the Baron of House Girard, and the Bounty Hunter can name him the successor of the house.
If the Bounty Hunter chooses him, Raffid offers to make the Bounty Hunter a Baroness, and invites her to become to lady of the house with no obligation towards fidelity. If the Bounty Hunter accepts the offer, he will call her dear, skip the nuptials and go straight to the honeymoon for some private time.
The Bounty Hunter promises to make conjugal visits and leaves Raffid, who looks forward to their eventual return. If the Bounty Hunter accepts the offer to become the lady of the house, they will receive the actual Baroness title ingame. Videos: Lord Raffid flirting , Talk about the different titles on forums. Romanceable by: Imperial Agent male characters. About: Kaliyo Djannis prizes her freedom and will lie, murder and blackmail in order to ensure that she is in control of a situation and able to indulge her vices.
Known to pursue lengthy vendettas to redress grievances. Possesses a track record of expertly manipulating employers, lovers and associates agents should not be fooled by attempts at seduction. As with many mercenaries, her loyalty cannot be purchased, but her services can be — if only temporarily.
How to start romance: The male Imperial Agent can romance Kaliyo during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with her. Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Kaliyo in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. The Agent must then choose between Kaliyo and Ensign.
If the player chooses Ensign, he will then go break up with Kaliyo, who will be angry. If the player chooses Kaliyo, Ensign will be disappointed. No matter how easygoing or empathetic she may be at times, the needs of her nation have to come first.
How to start romance: The male Imperial Agent can romance Raina during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with her. This Chiss expansionary forces will land on Odessan, bringing Temple with them. Afterwards, Raina Temple will meet with the Agent, and admit she had been looking for the Agent for years and asks if the Agent still loves her after all this time. If the player chooses to break up, Raina will be sad but understand, and would like to stay and continued working with the alliance.
Romanceable by: Imperial Agent female characters. About: Vector Hyllus has repeatedly expressed admiration for Imperial accomplishments while indicating a desire to spread Imperial influence through diplomatic channels.
His attitudes were likely shaped by the Imperial reconstruction of his homeworld and are appropriate for a Diplomatic Service member. Hyllus is obedient, intelligent, charismatic and effective. He is unlikely to advance further within diplomatic or military hierarchies. How to start romance: The female Imperial Agent can romance Vector during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with him.
If the player chooses to break up, Vector will devote himself to making life better for the Killiks. She is the product of six generations of selective breeding and can plot hyperspace routes in her head, and is not easily charmed. The player should not criticize her, even if they disagree with her. The player will have the chance to spend some private time with Watcher Two between missions on Dromund Kaas, during the mission Darth Zhorrid Arrives.
Although many players believe only human males can romance Watcher Two, this is untrue, and there are videos of Chiss also romancing her online. The Agent requires sacred carvings which are locked away in the Voss capital building, but they an only be seen by Voss.
If the Agent accepts the proposal, they will go through the Voss marriage ceremony, and the male Agent will marry Phi-Ton. Later, the player will receive a letter from Phi-Ton in the mail.
Videos: Phi-Ton marriage and all reactions. If the Agent accepts the proposal, they will go through the Voss marriage ceremony, and the male Agent will marry Yana-Ton. If probed too far, Yana-Ton makes it clear that this is not a true marriage, but that she is doing it for her family.
Later, the player will receive a letter from Yana-Ton in the mail. Videos: Yana-Ton marriage.