Can i move bushido counters

Reginald Kastle Lvl Kite Tenjo Lvl 40 Farm Gate. Yuma Tsukumo. Flip Turner. Sera DSOD. Scud DSOD. Aigami DSOD. Aigami Lvl Yusei Fudo. Jack Atlas. Crow Hogan. Akiza Izinski. Officer Tetsu. DS Kalin Kessler. DS Carly Carmine. DS Rex Goodwin. Carly Carmine. Kalin Kessler. Yusei Fudo Lvl Jack Atlas Lvl Crow Lvl Akiza Lvl Leo Lvl Luna Lvl DS Kalin. DS Carly. Carly Carmine Lvl 40 Gate.

Kalin Kessler Lvl 40 Gate. Antinomy Lvl 40 Gate. General discussion. Vagabond trade. Deck advice. Duel room. PvP Best decks. All decks. Auto Duel. Tips for farming LDs. Yami Yugi Lvl Seto Kaiba Lvl Joey Lvl Mai Lvl Tea Lvl Yugi Lvl 40 Gate. Weevil Lvl Rex Raptor Lvl Mako Lvl Yami Marik Lvl Yami Bakura Lvl Bandit Lvl Ishizu Lvl Odion Lvl Pegasus Lvl Mokuba Lvl Paradox Lvl Arkana Lvl Bonz Lvl Espa Roba Lvl On another day, the same player, placed a counter on Legendary Six Samurai — Shi En to indicate that it has used its effect.

There is no official way to indicate and mark that effect, which makes it hard to judge the above example. However, the bottom line is that it is down to the individual to remember and understand the current gamestate. Then is it alright to confuse the opponent with such gamestate mechanics? I had lost a match because of such inconsistency issue years ago.

This move costed me the match because I allowed my opponent to tag for free and made a come back. Although understanding the gamestate is down to the individual, is it alright to knowingly or unknowingly use such gamestate mechanics to trick opponent? It makes me wonder if there is a solution to prevent such inappropriate trick. Is it possible for one player to disallow the other player to place any form of counters on a card unless it is necessary for effects which involves counters?

This argument is based on the above ruling regarding placing counters on cards only if its effect allows. Again, it is hard to have any official reference to conclude this topic. Posted in Others , Ruling. I have a question regarding counters and negated effects. Is the remaining Spell Counter removed because the effect stating that Arcanite Magician can carry Spell Counters negated? If you use effect veiler after arcanite is summoned and successfully gains his 2 counters, using effect veiler will not negate him from receiving counters.

You can remove 1 Spell Counter from a card you conrol to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. If he already has 2 spell counters and you use effect veiler, the only thing you negate is his second effect, which is to use a counter from his side of the field to destroy 1 card on the field. Using your effect veiler when he already has counter does not prevent his first effect of gaining them during his initial summon.

I believe that putting on cards is just a guide line for your opponent, not you. You are given the benefit of doubt to ask your opponent as to what his counter mean before doing anything or any card plays. Thus, the way different people use their counter is not really an issue. So what if you have to place two different kinds of counters on the same card? How do you place two kinds of counters on a card? Especially on Duelingnetwork? Spell counters should be able to be placed anywhere or else the magical cannon that deals effect damage only works if the counters exists primarily on your side of the field.

I have a really weird question vijam the cubic seed which in the latest cubic deck recently has an effect of putting counter on monsters that battle with it so if that monster is raidraptor- ultimate falcon which is unaffected by card effect can I still be able to put a counter on it.

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