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Learn More: importance of religion in one's life , Not too important , Not at all important. Compare: religious attendance by religious group. Compare: frequency of prayer by religious group. Compare: attendance at prayer groups by religious group. Compare: frequency of meditation by religious group. Compare: frequency of feelings of spiritual wellbeing by religious group.

Compare: frequency feeling a sense of wonder about the universe by religious group. Compare: sources of guidance on right and wrong by religious group. Compare: belief in existence of standards for right and wrong by religious group.

Learn More: belief in absolute standards for right and wrong , There are clear standards for what is right and wrong , Right or wrong depends on the situation. Compare: frequency of reading scripture by religious group.

Compare: interpretation of scripture by religious group. Learn More: interpreting scripture , Not the word of God. Compare: belief in heaven by religious group. Learn More: belief in Heaven , Don't believe. Compare: belief in hell by religious group. Learn More: belief in Hell , Don't believe. Compare: political party by religious group. Compare: political ideology by religious group.

Learn More: political ideology , Moderate , Liberal. Michael Shermer is publisher of Skeptic magazine www. Already a subscriber? Sign in. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. See Subscription Options. Discover World-Changing Science. Get smart. Sign up for our email newsletter. Sign Up. Support science journalism.

Knowledge awaits. Meanwhile, the number of religiously unaffiliated adults in the U. But the fact that the direction of the trend is similar in both studies strongly suggests that both are picking up on real and significant change underway in the U.

Latino adults fielded almost every year. See the detailed tables for complete trends in the religious composition of Hispanics based on both Pew Research Center political surveys and the NSL. For complete information about trends in the religious composition and worship attendance habits of the U. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research.

Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Newsletters Donate My Account. Research Topics. For details about the methodology employed for the and Religious Landscape Studies, click here.

If the next Religious Landscape Study is conducted using a self-administered mode of survey administration e. This is because questions about religious identity, belief and practice can be sensitive, and some respondents may be reluctant to admit to interviewers that they are not religious. In the U. In other words, respondents may more honestly report low levels of religiosity in self-administered surveys, when no interviewer is present.


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