Hi Claire At my clinic you tested 9dp5dt and I always got an accurate test result. You would get one 8dp I think although may not be a strong line. Goodluck i hope you get your well deserved BFP xx.
Hi I think 10dp2dt is equivalent to 7dp5dt so on a natural cycle 12dpo. Have decided I will test tomorrow. Just want over and done with! Good luck Claire!! Let us know how ya get on. My fingers are crossed xx. Good luck Claire, have everything crossed for you. By sweetie36 , 57 mins ago. Am i allowed. By babybutton , 2 hours ago. By sparkles , 4 hours ago. By buttercup4 , 5 hours ago. Follicle size at trigger. By Kangaroo19 , 6 hours ago. How many PGS normal Embryos do you need for one or two babies?
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By Trakin , 1 day ago. Private laproscopy. By Trinityfairy , 1 day ago. School Calendar. Forums Recent Posts. Getting Pregnant. Fertility Issues. When to test after a frozen transfer.
Last Post. Hi everyone, Does anyone know when is a good time to start testing after a frozen transfer? The earliest I've heard of in general is 5 days. How many days past transfer are you? Reply Quote. I have a ball on Saturday so at least I'll be able to drink at it hahaha Reply Quote. What test are you using? I was too scared to poas. I'd do it tomorrow morning instead of tonight just so your urine is more concentrated.
Good luck! I POAS the morning before 8dp5dt. I knew I would be too nervous otherwise.. I POAS days before hand. I didn't want to be told by the nurse. In my opinion being told by the nurse takes all the excitement away. But I agree with the other ladies to do it in the morning, evening urine may not be as accurate and you might be setting yourself up for unnecessary heartache. Follow your baby's amazing development track my baby Download BabyCenter app. More posts in "IVF" group.