Why is anders the only healer

Bioware wants you to play DA2 the way they want you to play it. It's why you have only on healer other than a mage Hawke and one tank. They want you to use Anders and Aveline. I always alternate the companions I bring with me during my playthroughs. I don't bring Anders or Aveline more often than the other's because I like using different strategies and for the party banter.

Last time I faced the rock wraith, I had no tank because I wanted Bethany to become a warder I'm a rogue. There are two types of healing potions and 1 type of resurrecting potion that are really useful. Potions do the job, better, AND get you back stamina when you use them restoration postions are the best ones.

Anders' ability to revive fallen dudes was insanly helpful though- although there's a potion for that too. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

User Info: Radwar. Ironfungus Status: Offline. By Ace Attorney - Thu Mar 10, pm. I expected this and I am not angry about it. And a Mage Hawke can be as good healer as him. Spirit Healer spec is there for a reason. Ace Attorney Status: Offline. By Miths - Thu Mar 10, pm. Miths Status: Offline. By Graunt - Thu Mar 10, pm.

Can't speak for anyone else, but screw RP purposes. I always respecced Morrigan to SH as soon as I got her. SS was awful, and she was a much more interesting character to have in the group than grandma.

Makes me wonder if Andraste was as dumb as us, like maybe she couldn't find her socks in the morning during war time. Worst part is Varric will not stop writing about his sex life, and he keeps getting the details wrong. Unless you ask Fenris. He thinks the worse part is all the mages who won't leave him be. Justice thinks the worst part is how Anders keeps getting off track via kidnappings and following cats around. Or more like And every single of of them might be right after a certain warrior's life.

The pain in Hawke's heart after Fenris' rejection and Leandra's death has brought it to the point where it may shatter irrevocably.

The soft, soothing tones, the acceptance and love and obsession of one man, that was what Hawke had craved almost his entire life as equally as Anders had. And thus, in the aftermath of tragedy was born not just a relationship none could tear apart, but a new future unlike any that Thedas could ever have hoped possible.

A quack doctor has appeared in Kirkwall. Tired of having to deal with patients who have problems of an intimate nature thanks to the doctor's scam medicine, Anders drags his friends along on a quest to stop this public health crisis. Fenris is caught by Danarius and tldr gets skinned alive. Almost dies, but Hawke and friends come and save the day! Plus Anders has mad healing skills. She survived the darkspawn attack on Lothering, became the Champion of Kirkwall, and escaped the Fade, but as tired as she is, Hawke's work is not over yet.

She left behind someone dear to her to help the Inquisition, and she fears what may have happened in their time apart. The old lady, Wrynn, just had the Spirit Healer specialization, but after you got her to teach it, any mage character, including Morrigan, could then specialize into SH and start healing.

In DA Origins you could ultimately adapt anyone into doing a role available to their class. Allistair could go two-handed, Oghren could tank, Morrigan could heal, and Wrynn could burn the crap out of your face. So your only choice if you don't want Anders as a healer is to make a Mage Hawke then specialize him into Healing, then have to deal with Carver and his whining.

One of my biggest issues with DA 2 is that there is no freedom in class skills for your NPCs to branch out of. User Info: TeiohGuildless. I've always felt there was more options in this one, as I normally can never get all the fun stuff I want for everyone.

But on topic, yeah, it's either Anders or Hawke for healer, and honestly? Anders does it better, like most companions when directly compared. As mentioned, Anders is mostly there for Aura and Haste, as Haste is broken in this game, and makes you need so much less healing.

Also, this game has healing much different than DAO. Heals got a crazy recast, so you can't just spam it. Your other chars will have to 'support' the healing by aggro control and CC methods. Anders himself gets some nice thing to help his healing role. Glyph of Paralysis is awesome, and can keep threats out of the way.

He can also do a revive if any group members fall. Glyph of Repulsion is great for keeping mooks off a caster as well.


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