Why does the author describe della and jim

They gave up their most precious possessions to give each other the best Christmas gift. All those who give gifts like Jim and Della did are the magi and the wisest people. Sita summary by Toru Dutt with Question and Answer. Soon she had close-cropped curls, that made her look like a truant schoolboy. The Magi were wise men, who came from the East and visited Jesus after his birth, in Bethlehem.

They brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Jim was the proud owner of a gold watch handed down to him by his father and grandfather. When Jim returned home and set eyes on Della, he stood as still as a hunting dog would at the scent of game. He stared at her with a peculiar expression on his face and it terrified her not to be able to understand the expression in his eyes. It was not anything that she had anticipated.

Della counted her money three times because she could not believe that it was so less, despite having saved for months to buy a Christmas gift for her husband, Jim. She had only one dollar and eighty-seven cents, which was not sufficient to buy aa gift appropriate for Jim. Della was very disappointed at the scarcity of her funds for buying Jim a present for Christmas.

She flopped down on the couch and had a good cry, after which she got up and composed herself. Glancing at her reflection in the pier-glass, gave her an idea on how she could raise money by selling her beautiful long hair. Della got the 1. There are joyful times and sad times, but the sad occasions outnumber the joyous occasions. The flat was not extraordinary to be described and had the appearance of something lacking and inadequate. In the lobby below was a letterbox in which letters could not be inserted and an electric bell which did not ring.

The flat had a few things like a shabby little couch, pier-glass between the windows and a worn carpet. That morning Della was upset as she lacked sufficient funds to buy a worthy Christmas present for Jim. She was upset and sad. The colour gray is an emotionless colour often associated with loss or depression. Hence, everything looked gray to Della that morning. Della had planned to buy a nice, fine, rare and sterling present for Jim on the occasion of Christmas.

She wanted to be worthy of the honour of being owned by Jim. She had spent hours in happy thoughts about this and had been saving up for several months. As Della stood looking at her reflection in the pier-glass, an idea came to her mind, which brightened up her face and made her eyes shine.

She thought of selling one of their prized possessions, her beautiful hair, which was very long and fell below her knees. This sale would enable her to get enough money to buy a good gift for Jim. There were two prized possessions in the Young household in which both of them took great pride. King Solomon was the king of Israel, known for his wisdom and great wealth. The author says that if King Solomon had been the janitor with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his gold watch every time he passed, to make him envious.

Della looked at her reflection in the pier-glass and an idea came to her. This brightened up her face and made her eyes shine. She thought of selling her beautiful hair, which was very long and fell below her knees. Happy at finding a solution to her problem, she rushes out of her flat to accomplish the sale of her hair.

Madame Sofronie owns a shop which sells hair goods of all kinds. Della asked her if she would buy her hair. The proprietor asked her to remove her hat and show her hair. Della did not bargain with Madame about the price of her hair. Once Madame Sofronie assesses her hair and offers to pay twenty dollars for it, Della tells her to give it to her quickly. Della wants the transaction to take place soon as it is Christmas Eve and she wants to buy a gift for Jim.

After two hours of searching for the perfect gift, Della finally finds what she had been looking for. The object in concern was a simple platinum fob chain, without any decorative elements to enhance its appearance.

The chain was like Jim in quietness and value. The chain was simple and proclaimed its value by substance alone without any ornamentation. Jim had a quiet strength in him and was worthy because of the many sterling qualities in him.

She used her curling irons to give herself a head full of tiny curls. This made her look like a truant schoolboy. Coney Island is a tourist destination in New York known for its amusement park. A chorus girl is a part of a singing group. At that time, chorus girls had short hair. Della had the habit of saying a silent prayer about simple things in daily life. Once Jim stepped inside the room and closed the door, he stopped right in his tracks.

On seeing Della, he stood as still as a hunting dog would at the scent of game. He just kept looking at her with a peculiar expression. She assured him that it would grow back again.

Della said that her hair grew very fast and it would soon grow out. She also said that she is the same even without her hair and reminded him that he likes her as she is. Della had long hair which fell below her knees. The length of her hair made it appear like a garment for her.

It rippled and shone like a cascade of brown waters. Della was worried that Jim would be displeased about her selling her hair because her hair was a matter of pride for both of them. In addition, her new short hair might draw comparisons with a Coney Island chorus girl. Della looked at her reflection in the pier-glass between the windows of the room.

A thin person could see their reflection in the longitudinal strips. He loves her the same with or without her long hair. In the package, there was a set of combs that Della had been yearning for. The combs were expensive, made from tortoiseshell and just the right shade to wear in her tresses which she had sold. Answer the following Questions 4 Marks. The queen of Sheba ruled the kingdom of Sheba in Southwestern Arabia. She visited King Solomon, after hearing about his fame and his relationship with God.

She came to test him with difficult questions. In comparing Della and the queen of Sheba, O. King Solomon was the son of King David and Bathsheba.

He was the king of Israel, known for his wisdom and great wealth. Jim and Della sacrificed their precious things to buy each other a fitting gift. The gifts turned out to be of no use for both of them.

Della could not use the set of combs that Jim bought for her as her hair was gone. Jim could not use the fob chain as he had sold his watch to pay for her combs. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life. The title is both significant and appropriate. The magi invented the art of giving Christmas presents.

They were wise men capable of giving wise gifts. Jim and Della are the wisest among all who practice the art of gifting. There are several instances reflected in the story. Diana is described as slender, but she has behaved like a bulldozer while bargaining with those who she buys kitchen supplies from. It is also ironic that the gifts Jim and Della bought for each other cannot be used at the moment, and have to be kept away till a certain time in the future.

Jim and Della are compared to King Solomon and the queen of Sheba, who were famous rulers, lacked nothing and had abundant wealth. Jim and Della despite material poverty had a wealth of love in their relationship. The next two hours passed very swiftly for Della. She had acquired money after selling her hair and she had in the past spent many a happy hour contemplating buying a nice gift for Jim.

Now that she has the money, nothing is preventing her from getting something suitable for him. What were the two most precious possessions of Jim and Della? What best describes Jim and della in the story the gift of magi? What gift does Jim buy Della in the gift of the magi? Della and Jim have two small children? How tall is Alessio Jim Della Valle? What do Jim and Della have to spend on gifts in Gift of the Magi? What were Jim and Della's most precious possessions? When Jim gets della present he?

Best describe the use of irony and allegory in O Henry's The Magi? Who was proud of Jim' s watch and Della's hair? Why does della misunderstand about Jim reaction? In the gift of the Maji what did Jim buy Della? What is the problem that the characters face in 'The Gift of the Magi'? What are the two possessions that Jim and Della take a lot of pride in the gift of magi? When was Alessio Jim Della Valle born?

Three words to describe Jim Jarrey? Why does Jim react so strangely when he comes home and sees Della with short hair? Who are the characters in the gift of magi? Who are the characters in The Gift of The Magi?

Study Guides. Trending Questions. Still have questions? Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. What characteristics of a tragic hero does Macbeth possess and banquo lack? What could result if a 30 year old lawyer continued to eat as he did as a 17 years old football player?

Meanwhile, Jim sacrifices his family heirloom pocket watch to get enough money to buy a special gift for Della. Joachim Pendleton Supporter. Why are Jim and Della compared to the Magi? All their acts are made from pure love and adoration. Angie Batchelor Supporter. What important decision did della have to make on that unforgettable day? The important decision that Della had to make on the unforgettable day is to sold her long, beautiful hair in order to buy a present for her husband Jim.

Geidy Beloshapka Supporter. What did Magi invent? The magi , or the Three Wise Men , invented the art of giving Christmas presents. This is what the narrator tells us in "The Gift of the Magi. As they were wise, the narrator thinks, so too were their gifts. Jasvinder Groer Beginner. Why did della feel sad on losing her hair? Ans: Della felt sad on losing her hair because it was the most beautiful part of her person body. It was long, brown, thick and silky that everyone liked. But more than anyone, Jim liked it most.

Della feared that without it he may not like her so much. Seda Jasperbrinkmann Beginner. How has Della saved money for Jim's gift? That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Cecile Roebruck Beginner. What does Della do to get money for Jim's present? Ask A Question.

Co-authors: 5. Updated On: 16th April, Views: 1, Similar Asks.


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