When you level up, you will also upgrade your legacy by completing missions and defeating enemies of all characters on a SWTOR server. According to the legacy level, you can unlock different tiers of role perks, including the passive XP boosts that can be purchased in the legacy menu, and you can also gain additional experience by joining a guild.
Class missions reward a lot of XP and green premium-quality equipment, and provide opportunities for conversation with 5 companions. You can unlock them when you complete class missions. These dialogue options can improve your relationship with your companions, thereby increasing combat efficiency. So through all these methods, you can reach between Level 50 and 60 before the end of the class missions.
Star Wars The Old Republic will introduce a series of September events, challenges, and more good things waiting for players to encounter. From September 7th to 14th, there will be the Rakghoul Resurgence event, and the target is for characters above level This will bring back the less popular beasts and ready to fight for those who are up for the challenges of locating them and clearing them out on in Alderaan. The rewards for successful elimination include armor sets, weapons, and a new alliance contact, infected Varactyl and infected Dewback mounts, and even your own Ferocious Rakghoul mini pet.
This mini pet is not part of your elimination mission. Starting on September 21 and lasting until 5 am on the 28th, during this period, the returning Relics of the Gree event will be the highlight. This one will only be for characters who have reached level 50 or above, so these challenges will be for those who are experienced in all SWTOR.
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