A small portion of sidequest parts are related to two otherwise separate sequences; these will have all of them mentioned. Sidequest parts are grouped by the first time they become available following storyline progression.
Within these groups, they are ordered to create a route that should allow them to be covered quickly. Many sidequest parts become temporarily unavailable due to party member changes throughout the story; this guide generally does not mention if a sidequest becomes available a second time, but exceptions are made for sidequests that depend on progression with the Monster Book and Collector's Book.
After rejoining the party after the inn scenes in Capua Torim. Dahngrest: Enter the area for a scene. Judith's "Belle of the Ball", Karol's "Black Tights" and any combination titles such as "Squeaky Clean Frog" do not work, it must be the exact set of titles provided by part 5. Hereafter, after Man Melee has been cleared with at least 3 characters, Man Melee becomes available.
Zaude: Enter the area for a scene. PlantedSeeds 29 Sep am. I love guides that have exactly what's needed, nothing more. These days whenever I click a guide like this it either has a billion pictures or worse, it's a huge Youtube video with timestamps JFC those are the worst.
WTFantastico 24 Jun am. Wish I could tag Raflos who had this problem below, but the man who gives the Tiara in Yumanju will not appear unless you've talked to every NPC in Nam Cobanda who explains their things in a mini cutscene.
I couldn't get him to appear for the longest time because I hadn't talked to the ant lion man who explains the capsule machines in the gymnasium.
SotiCoto 6 Jun am. I don't see anything about the event for getting Patty's Great Pirate Successor title. Aselia Wiki Explore. Mothership Titles. Other Titles. Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave. About Policy. Images Page Outlines Sources Japanese. This island is off in a small island in the Northeast. It's a lot of fun and games. You can play mini games like poker or a shooter with Ba'ul, play the obligatory Tales quiz game, and mess around with skit and music players and view sequences you've reached already.
There's a lot of fun to be had here, so make sure to pay it a visit. On later re-visitation to Myorzo, you'll be able to talk to the boy off in the right side of the city who will challenge you and Ba'ul to a race.
This is a fun little mini-game, where you have to fly around from ring to ring as fast as you can, and try to reach 10 before your opponent. Winning all three races will land you Krone's Dew. This outdoor bath house is nestled in a forested area in the west. If you visit here periodically, you'll have the opportunity to pay ludicrous sums to enjoy a hot bath. It'll be , Gald for your first visit, before doubling to , These scenes are very entertaining, and enough visits will earn you a new costume, but other than that, this money pit won't net you much.
Through the course of the main game, you'll build your ring up to Level 3, but you'll come across obstructions in some dungeons that can't be destroyed with this. Walk up the stairs in the west house in Aspio. Get on the boat to the Atherum. Go to the last area in Zaude and you will be able to enter the Necropolis of Nostalgia. After beating Ohma , you won't be able to advance further until you have beaten the game PS3 and Definitive Edition In Zaphias, head down toward the Fountain in Lower Quarter from the top of the slope.
After that, head towards the Castle. For Chips, you can fight specific bosses for any missed Secret Mission. Exit out and enter back the Gym to trigger the scene with Kaufman. Go to Yumanju and speak with the Man at the upper left for the Tiara. Check the upper left Toy Machine in Yumanju for three statues. Go to Zaphias and speak with Hanks for one more statue. Here's the list of artes thanks to Massicot from ResetEra!
You will obtain Vesperia No. Blades and Karol's Golden Soldier title. With the Letter of Challenge H. Blades and if you have cleared Avenging Soldiers Final Part previously, you may clear the Man Melee and get the reward. Find Sicily by the river for Murakumo if Repede is above Level You will get this together with Repede's Joke Weapon at Halure after fulfilling Repede's motivational sidequest if you miss the scene Professor Sicily Part 5 In Halure, speak with Sicily near the Inn for Joke Weapons if you have completed the requirement.
You will get the Letter of Challenge H. Make sure to save before entering the tournament. After clearing the tournament, you will be awarded with Karol's Small Knight title. If you do this fight even once with Karol in the party, you will not be able to obtain the title on this playthrough unless you load an older save files.
Enter the Zopheir Rift from the west and you will see the Micro Circuit. Report back and the male characters will get their Swimsuit Series titles.
Talk to the Butler and go to Halure. Reenter the Inn and speak with the Doctor again. Speak with the Man that is near the Inn Owner. Go to Zaphias and speak with the Guard by the Nobles Quarter. After, head into the Castle and speak with Mimula in the Jail Area.