What makes good lesson

Chief inspector of OFSTED Amanda Spielman has spoken out against the single-minded focus on exam results at the expense of a rounded, enjoyable education. An outstanding lesson is no longer measured by academic success only, but by the engagement of its pupils. As a result many teachers are turning from the traditional classroom methods in favour of more progressive learning methods, such as flipped lessons.

A flipped lesson mimics the university learning model, in which students learn about a topic by means of reading, online lectures or other research prior to a class. Flipped lessons are by no means the only method by which a teacher can create a engaged and enthusiastic classroom environment, but the success of the flipped classroom illustrates the need to combine a variety of teaching methods, beyond the classic lesson model.

Getting your classes used to high risk tasks so that they become routine will go a long way towards reducing OFSTED stress as you have prepared everything beforehand.

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Social Media is not the first place a teacher will look when starting the perilous hunt for a job post…. The OFSTED definition of a flipped lesson A flipped lesson mimics the university learning model, in which students learn about a topic by means of reading, online lectures or other research prior to a class.

Easy ways to incorporate OFSTED objectives into your classroom routine include: Standing at the door as your pupils enter the classroom, greeting each one and talking briefly about your objectives for the day. Start preparing each pupil for learning as soon as they arrive Showing that children leave your class with questions and ideas. During the lesson, ask your pupils to write any questions or ideas you want them to take away on stickers and as they leave, take the stickers with them Standing at the door at the end of a lesson and asking each pupil to relate something they learned and how it corresponds to one of the lesson objectives before bidding them goodbye.

Sir Michael was unequivocal in his reply: Yes! He said that too many teachers were attempting to break lessons into bite-sized chunks instead of allowing pupils time to complete extended tasks. So we know what an outstanding lesson is not; it is not formulaic, it is not frenetic, it is not bite-sized learning with a side order of teacher-talk. But what is it? And what is progress anyway? To the best of my knowledge, Ofsted only mentions the notion of progress within a single lesson once in its hundreds, nay thousands of pages of advice and guidance.

It is not always possible to demonstrate real progress within an hour and even more of a challenge when there are 30 or so pupils to assess. Also, progress can sometimes be the culmination of a number of interconnecting factors. Some lessons might involve pupils reading in silence for an hour or writing an essay in exam conditions. Progress cannot confidently be measured during such a lesson. Being able to read or write for an hour is an important skill for pupils to learn and will also allow for deeper learning.

And how do outstanding teachers do this every lesson? No notes for slide. Today we will investigate what makes a good lesson, so that we can maximise our effectiveness in the classroom.

Individually List as many things as you can that need to happen for a lesson to be effective. Think about what the teacher needs to do as well as the students.

Agree on the 3 most important elements. Robert J. Marzano 6. How do we make a lesson more engaging? Engagement Entertainment Steinberg Doing what we want them to do 9. Formative Assessment This feedback determines what we do next lesson. May or may not be related to main lesson topic. It must re-engage, review, test understanding, apply learning.

Try to make it active for pupils rather than teacher reiteration. And what about reflection? Is it essential that students write? Dennis Sparkes Answer in your workbooks: What have you learned today? What is important to remember? Where can you use this? A different type of lesson plan Thank you for your attention. Total views 35, On Slideshare 0. From embeds 0. Number of embeds Downloads Shares 0.


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