What does shaddai mean in hebrew

I appreciate the better scholarship I read here. Thank you for this blog. The word shad shin dalet means breast but it also means demon. The English Bibles makes God Seem to so harsh! The English version of Genesis makes the reader feel that God is harsh.

In Matthew , there is no please. Now back to the word Shaddai. For some unknown reason Shaddai is a masculine word, when all other body parts that come in a pair such as legs, arms, eyes ect. Shaddai means breasts, the nourishment organs.

All verses the that use Shaddai, are verses about fertility. This is just my opinion. Roger thank you. Do you have any new information about El Shaddai? Hey Roger thank you so much for taking the time to explain I can so witness in my spirit what you shared. And l learnt new things. So Rejoice for Jesus has been born! I make this comment to exemplify an issue that I suggest we inspect in detail and which is evident in the excellent comment by Michal: the nature and structure of etymology in biblical interpretation and use.

And for this I will refer to the use of etymology as accustomed in Spanish which, as a millennial language as such and its roots going back so much as greek has a sufficiently broad base to make comparisons.

The first proposal by Michal is self evident and clear to me. But the second begins to confuse me as it commences with exegesis from textual sources priestly but then uses rabbinical sources to explain. If we are to follow a clear etymology as in Spanish usage, the structure of time has to be clearly followed in the use of the word.

Further, rabbinical exegesis is based in the MT which is by definition a 5th Century textual agreement by Jewish rabbinical thought. However, I do understand that maybe Jewish use cannot make that timeline etymology easy because of the fact that the very nature of the MT dictates that the form to be considered authentical is the form of the MT and not that of previous readings. If this is true, then we would have to accept that etymology, in Jewish thought and use, parts from a rabbinical timeline and not a historical timeline for the base of interpretation is not the timeline but the rabbinical canon of the text.

Any clarification is expected and hoped…. I looked it up in various sources, but I could not find a match. Oxford: Oxford University Press, , s. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Farmington Hills, Mich. No fully satisfactory explanation of it has yet been accepted by all scholars.

However, from all what I found, I do not see any reason to render or to give more credibility to the one translation you have suggested. Sincerely, Mike. Mike, hi. Thanks for providing detailed feedback. I will readily admit that from all Biblical Hebrew Insights I published so far, this is more speculative Now the Translation of God All-sufficient though also only a possibility fits in my mind much better in the initial context.

Sometimes roles are switched rather dramatically. When Jacob sent his sons off to Egypt to find food and he prayed that El Shaddai would bless his sons and have mercy on them and protect them. There is great comfort with the increase of illness, violence and evil in our world to know that the God we serve, El Shaddai protects us with His power.

It may not always look from our human understanding as though He is protecting us, but we can rest assured. He will keep us held within the security of His Almighty had through eternity and nothing can pluck us from His hand.

John God is El Shaddai who overcomes our inadequacy and makes us fruitful. God wants our lives to be fruitful. As El Shaddai, He overcomes our inadequacy and bring fruitfulness even out of the different trials we face. Our part is to exercise our faith in order to trust that God will do as He promised. His part is to bring about the fruitfulness. As we learn to abide, the need to strive and perform diminishes.

We learn to relax and trust El Shaddai to do the work. As we look at the uncertainty in our world today and the tumultuous times in which we live, what a comfort to realize the we are held secure by El Shaddai! He is the Almighty God who overcomes all our weaknesses, provides for our every need, protects our lives and makes us fruitful. In order to assist the English reader, the translator has supplied words, phrases and even whole sentences to enable the reader to understand the text.

The reader is rarely aware of the difficulties in translating a certain passage and assumes that the translator has accurately translated the text.

To demonstrate how a Translator's interpretation of a text can influence the readers understanding of the text, let us examine two passages from the New International Version.

The original pictograph for this word is. It produces milk within the udder and is extracted by the goat kid by squeezing and sucking on the two teats dangling below the udder.

The function of these teats is to provide all the necessary nourishment for the kids, as they would die without it. This imagery can be seen in the following passage:. The idea of God being characterized as having teats does not sit well in our Western culture.

We are familiar with identifying with God as a father, but not as a mother. I will respond no more on this blog but will continue to strive to be an obedient child of God. The Bible does not teach the doctrine of eternal security once saved, always saved. As you know, we are in a covenant relationship with God. A covenant is a formal agreement between two parties, in this case, God and His people, and this means that each party is responsible to uphold certain stipulations.

In the OT Jer. Part of what Frank is referring to can be found in a dialogue between the two of us on the June 13 blog although the discussion goes back to February. Thank you for responding, and I did read your post. A little over a year ago, I decided that I would do an in-depth study on whether true Christians, born again according to John 3, can lose their salvation.

I did this because it was a doctrine in which I was truly ignorant. I heard and read verses in support of both viewpoints, and I just made up my mind that I wanted to know for myself, which is, of course, the very command God gives us in II Timothy As I studied and prayed, the Holy Spirit, according to His promise in John , very much guided me into all truth as He will anyone who wants to understand the whole counsel of God.

Because the consequences are eternal, it is imperative that each one of us finds the exact truth being put forth even if it goes against any previous teachings or mindsets that we may have. What a powerful promise God has given us in this verse! However, one can lose their salvation either by committing the unpardonable sin blaspheming the Holy Spirit , by walking away, or by drifting away, and there is a multitude of Scripture to support this view.

As far as your other request, Frank and I have been discussing this very topic since February. He holds your view on the subject. Our last series of exchanges are on the BLB blog for June We also had an exchange of ideas on the May 18 and May 23 blogs. If I can find them, I will let you know. The first is that we need to have a good understanding of what it means to be in a covenant relationship with God and that nowhere is it ever implied that this particular relationship removes our responsibility or free will at any point in our walk with God as even a casual reading of the OT will testify.

The second is that there is a very simple explanation as to why believers can lose their salvation even when including all the verses that you have cited:. The main ideas behind these verses are that God loves believers and that He will always hold onto them, guaranteeing final salvation, and both are absolutely true.

Nothing will separate us from the love of God; He will always be there, through trials, temptations, tragedies, and right on through to our final salvation.

These verses are our assurance of both His desire and ability to accomplish what He has purposed and that nothing can stop Him. He will never forsake us; however, we can forsake Him. We need only look at the OT to see all of these verses in action. No matter what Israel faced, as long as the people were walking faithfully with the LORD, He kept His hand on them, even in their times of sinning, which we all do.

I hope I have answered some of your questions and have given you enough information to study. I will, however, check back every day or so to see if you have any questions or comments.

El-Shaddai was used in popular songs and commonly within each church. Recently God has used the most difficult time in my life to show me how tenderly He nurtures me. El-Shaddai is magnificent! How wonderful He is! I need El God. I call on God but no answer. I need Jehovah Jireh to help me. I need El Shaddai to talk to the Holy Spirit to deliver me from this place.


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